Tag Archives: ICH CAHPS Survey Vendor

  1. ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor | RMS Healthcare

    For the latest CMS ICH CAHPS® implementation requirements for 2014, click here. RMS Healthcare is a market research vendor in Syracuse, NY and an ICH CAHPS® survey vendor. RMS Healthcare is closely monitoring the new ICH CAHPS® survey website, watching for more information regarding the new survey protocols to be announced this fall. RMS Healthcare Read more

  2. ICH CAHPS® Vendor | CMS National Implementation Requirements

    CMS announced its national implementation requirements for ICH CAHPS®. CMS is making major changes to the requirements and procedures that must be followed by in-center hemodialysis (ICH) facilities, which will begin the national implementation of the ICH CAHPS® survey administration in the fall of 2014. It is important to fully understand your new responsibilities to ensure Read more

  3. How to Choose Your ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor

    This blog was written by our guest blogger Paul Dybas, fomer CAHPS® Business Development Associate for RMS Healthcare, a division of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). RMS is an ICH CAHPS® survey vendor based out of Syracuse, NY. There are many research and survey companies that are capable of conducting the ICH CAHPS® Patient Experience of Care Read more

  4. ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor | What's New for 2013?

    This blog was written by our guest blogger Paul Dybas, former Business Development Associate for Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). RMS is an ICH CAHPS® vendor based out of Syracuse, NY. What’s new for 2013? Short answer: not much. The general guidelines for the administration and data collection have stayed the same for 2013. One significant difference Read more

  5. 2013 ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor — The Second Round

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger, Paul Dybas, former Business Development Associate at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS), a market research firm in Syracuse, NY. Now that the ICH CAHPS® survey process is complete for 2012, it is a great time to do a recap and also discuss what is coming in 2013. Read more

  6. ICH CAHPS Survey Vendor | Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS)

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Michele Treinin, a Healthcare Analyst at RMS. Are you a Dialysis Center in need of conducting the ICH-CAHPS® survey? There is still time to choose a vendor to complete the process for you even though the end of the year is quickly approaching. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a Read more

  7. What is the In-Center Hemodialysis (ICH CAHPS®) Survey? | Vendor in NY

    If you came across this blog post, perhaps you are wondering: What is the in-center hemodialysis ICH CAHPS® survey? When does the ICH CAHPS® survey start? How do I get started with a vendor for the ICH CAHPS® survey? If you are looking for answers to any of these questions or other questions about this Read more

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