Graph Fail | 3D Columns

This post is the second in a new series on the Bunker Blog. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is featuring some select charts and graphs that we come across in our daily routines that we believe represent failures in data visualization. As always, we have reconstructed these graphing disasters and generalized the titles and labels to shield the original perpetrators from shame and ourselves from hate mail and lawsuits.

In the interests of full disclosure, I will state upfront that I have a general personal bias against 3D effects in graphs. I believe they tend to call too much attention to the graphic elements to the point of distracting from the data. I think they also give reports cornball, “Gee whiz, look what I can do with PowerPoint!” feel, much like the person who uses 15 different fonts of assorted colors and type sizes in a document just because they can. And being a child of the 70s and 80s, it’s impossible for me to see really obvious 3D graphics without being reminded of the original Superman movie opening credits.

That said, I fully admit that my bias against 3D graphs is largely a matter of personal taste. Many will disagree. But one type of 3D graph that I have issues with, beyond mere aesthetics, is the 3D column graph that finds its way into many research reports and PowerPoint presentations. I was reminded of these issues recently when doing some online research and coming across such a report. There are a couple of problems with this graph format:

  1. They are often complicated and cannot be processed intuitively in an immediate first glance; and
  2. The data often gets obscured amid all the multi-dimensional clutter.

The first point speaks for itself, but I want to elaborate on the second. Below is an example of a 3D column graph that displays some fictional survey results from a series of rating questions about various restaurant attributes. This is a slightly exaggerated version of the real graph that inspired this post.

Graph Fail

The columns in the front are in the way of the ones in the back. It’s impossible to see some of the results as displayed here. But, if we rotate the axes around, it should fix the problem, right? Well, here’s a rotated view of the same data.

Graph FailThis is better, but we still have some of the taller columns blocking our view, like the guy in front of you at the concert who insists on standing on his seat the entire show.  If we rotate it again, we can make the view a little better, but we’ve still got some hidden data. In the graph below, how many survey respondents rated the atmosphere as “good” or “okay”? It’s very hard to tell.

Graph FailThe bottom line? If you like 3D effects and feel the need to use a 3D column graph in a report, just be careful that you’re not hiding important information toward the back of your graph behind a skyscraper column up front. And even if that isn’t an issue, think about how easy the chart will be to interpret  for the end-user, who is seeing the data for the first time. Just because a graph looks cool doesn’t mean it’s an effective way to make your data tell a story.  In the end, a simple, well-presented two-dimensional graph should be enough to make your findings jump off the page all by themselves.

Have a nominee for a Graph Fail?  Contact us by clicking here.

6 Responses

  1. George K. says:

    In addition to graph fail, can I nominate this one for scale fail too? I’d much rather see a 1-7 scale with a neutral point of 4 rather than having the respondent decipher between what is an “okay” experience versus what is a “fair” experience. Same with “very good” versus “excellent”.

  2. irene forssen says:

    I have always understood that we should not use 3-D charts because 3-D communicates measurement of a third dimension (when in fact, no third dimension was measured). I, too, discourage, use of such approaches. Additionally, in the examples you show, one has to really spend time looking at the chart to figure out what is going on – thus, violating the 30-second rule.

    • The 30-second rule is a good way to approach any chart or graph. If it takes a long time to decipher the data contained in a graph, it has defeated the purpose of having a graph in the first place.

  3. LoveStats says:

    Beautiful, beautiful charts. You see, the purpose of charts is not to make understanding data easier, it’s to use as many pretty colours and fancy tech features as possible. Bring on 4D!

  4. […] than a simple 2D graph.   While this one isn’t particularly bad as some others we’ve seen (at least we can see the data), we feel this simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question might be better […]

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