Four Marketing Tips to Help Boost Sales | Market Research Firm
This article was featured in the latest edition of RMS News, written by Mark Dengler, President and CEO of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) in Baldwinsville, NY.
We’re midway through the year – how’s your marketing plan working?
The summer months are a time to re-charge. Often, this means re-examining and modifying your company’s marketing efforts. If your sales efforts do not seem to be hitting the mark, be sure to make a correction to your tactics. Here are some suggestions to consider:
1. Examine where your business has originated over the past six months. Are there specific industry segments or needs that can be further addressed? These new clients can serve as ambassadors. Find out why they purchased from you and explore what their experience has been.
2. Look to hone and, if necessary, retool your marketing message. You need to develop a “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP) that resonates and sets you apart from your competition. It is important to craft key phrases that define your product and/or service with regard to its benefits. This can also serve as a rallying cry to get prospects to act.
3. Be sure you are using multiple venues to spread awareness about your company. You need a multi-pronged approach to promoting your product and/or service. Personal, word-of-mouth testimonials are one of the best means to share information. Don’t be shy about using social media as well. Make public relations a key priority for all company events.
4. Don’t be afraid to act. If you continue to do the same old, same old, you will not change the outcome. If something does not seem to be working then abandon it and do something different.
Remember, ultimately your company is a problem solver – you exist to make your customers’ lives easier. Marketing your product or service means you are making connections and fulfilling your mission.
If you have any questions or would like to talk to RMS about better marketing your business, contact Mark Dengler at or call him at (315) 635-9802.