RMS Healthcare | Your Source for ICH CAHPS® Information
The official CMS survey website for news and information about the ICH CAHPS® survey administration is now live at www.ichcahps.org.
At this time, there is limited functionality on the website, but beginning in February 2014, ICH facilities will be able to register and login to access a number of secure links and resources that will guide you through the survey process. The most important task for ICH facilities at that time will be to authorize a survey vendor to conduct the survey on behalf of their facilities.
After the national implementation of the ICH CAHPS® Survey begins in CY2014, ICH facilities will be able to see data submission reports to track and monitor the status of ICH CAHPS® data submissions by their CMS approved ICH CAHPS® survey vendor.
At this time, the website has general information about the ICH CAHPS® survey, changes to the survey administration specifications for CY2014, and placeholders for information on vendor application and training processes, forms and guidelines, data submissions, and information specific to ICH facilities.
RMS will notify facilities when more information is available on the website and when RMS Healthcare has been approved by CMS as a ICH CAHPS® survey vendor. Megan O’Donnell, Manager of RMS Healthcare can be reached if you have any questions about the process at MeganO@RMSresults.com or by calling 866-567-5422. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is located in Syracuse, NY.