Brand Development Research | Case Study
Background: A national design and build firm recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies Inc. (RMS) to better understand brand features and benefits of its organization by interviewing current and past clients, as well as understand needs and wants from non-clients. The brand development research was broken down into a three component process that served as an overall re-branding and strategic planning input project for the client. Component 1 was exploratory research using in-depth interviews (IDIs) with key clients. Component 2 was online survey research with all current and past clients. Component 3 was telephone survey research with non-clients.
Approach: Here is a brief overview of each of the three components of the brand development research for the client:
- In order to address the objectives at-hand in Component 1, RMS conducted 12 IDIs with current and past clients who had varied experiences with the organization’s divisions. Interviewee lists in tiered priorities were provided to RMS by the client. An interview guide was created and approved by both parties for the IDIs. Interviews were pre-scheduled abiding to the recruitment screener document. Each IDI was digitally recorded for reporting purposes.
- For Component 2, a multi-mode online and telephone survey was used to complete a total of 39 surveys with current and past clients, representing a 39% response rate. A list of a total of approximately 100 potential respondents was sent to RMS for the online study. An initial email was sent from the client to potential respondents to make them aware of the importance of the survey before invites were sent. Those who participated in the Component 1 in-depth interviews (IDIs) were removed from this component. RMS incurred a total of five attempts to reach respondents: (1) initial email invitation, (2) first reminder email, (3) second reminder email, (4) phone call reminder with final reminder email follow-up, and (5) completion of the entire survey by phone. The survey lasted approximately 5 to 7 minutes for respondents.
- For Component 3, a similar survey script was used for a 5 to 7 minute telephone survey targeting non-clients in the 14 county market area as determined by the client. RMS purchased random business sample of organizations with at least 6 employees or more. Sample purchase was proportioned to attempt to draw 50% (or maximum records available) of calls to two specific target sectors or SIC Codes. Respondents were offered a $25 honorarium as a thank you for participating in this research. RMS collected a total of 75 non-client survey completes.
Results: The brand strategy research discovered the following:
- The market research identified preferences for working with one firm for all aspects of a building project versus working with separate firms for each aspect of a building project. These preferences also included key drivers or reasons for choosing one over the other. Statistics for this question helped drive the client’s overall branding strategy through market research.
- The brand development research identified top-of-mind awareness and overall awareness of the client in relation to key competitors.
- The branding research identified key sources of information that prospective customers use when searching for information. These statistics assisted the client with media placement and its marketing budget.
- The surveys identified overall satisfaction levels with the client using a 1 to 10 scale as well as likelihood to recommend. Key drivers for satisfaction and dissatisfaction were presented.
If you are an architecture, engineering, construction or design and build firm looking to conduct market research, contact our Business Development Director Sandy Baker at or by calling 866-567-5422.