RMS News: Too Many Surveys? Is There a Down-Side?

This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). It was featured in the April 2014 edition of the RMS Newsletter.

I was recently asked my thoughts about the burgeoning survey industry in today’s marketplace. My response was, “Too many? That depends.” The perception of excess surveying depends on the potential responder. Individuals, for example, who belong to research panels look forward to receiving surveys because they are rewarded for their efforts.

Market Research Firm Syracuse NY

The down-side of being over-surveyed.

It is true there is a proliferation of surveys today but that is due in part to a strong corporate desire to make empirically based decisions using customer input. Businesses today are genuinely seeking feedback from consumers about their products and services.

Another aspect driving the large volume of surveys is the significant drop in the marginal cost of data collection (administrating surveys). With most Americans using email and mobile devices, survey administration is now conducted online, making the cost of receiving critical consumer feedback minimal.

I am not as much concerned about the amount of surveys, rather that the survey requests being generated are genuine and the results impact business operations. More survey requests mean that companies recognize the value of customer perceptions. This value when documented in a survey can only result in more tailored, quality-based products and services in the future. If you are considering a survey, make sure you have a professional coaching you through administering this worthwhile modality.

If you are interested in conducting a survey with RMS, a market research firm in Syracuse NY, contact our Business Development Director Sandy Baker at SandyB@RMSresults.com or by calling 1-866-567-5422.


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