What You Need to Know About OAS CAHPS®
The following blog post was written by Hilary Ranucci, Business Development Coordinator at RMS.
RMS continues to expand their abilities and is pleased to announce that we are a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved vendor of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems® (CAHPS®) for Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery (OAS) survey! RMS has almost a decade of experience in CAHPS survey administration, and is highly skilled in the collection of data and reporting along with a high response rate.
While participation in the OAS CAHPS survey is voluntary for 2016, we expect it to become mandatory in coming years. However, there are benefits to beginning the process early before it’s mandated. Benchmarking and baselines will become established for your organization as well as being able to improve service by learning from patient feedback. You’ll also become familiar with the process and be well prepared for when it does become mandated.
The OAS CAHPS survey will be implemented in January 2016 and surveying will be conducted on a monthly basis, similar to the hospital H CAHPS survey. RMS is able to offer multiple modes of surveying that best meet the needs of your organization. For more information about the OAS CAHPS survey process, qualifications, and quality measures, click here.
RMS has assisted hospitals, accountable care organizations, physician practices, home health and hospice agencies, and in-center hemodialysis facilities set a benchmark for current patient satisfaction in order to improve overall patient satisfaction.
RMS Healthcare is an approved vendor for the OAS CAHPS surveying process. In fact, RMS is approved for seven variations of CAHPS surveying! For more information or to request a proposal, please contact Sandy Baker, our Senior Director of Business Development & Corporate Strategy at SandyB@RMSresults.com or by calling 1-866-567-5422. Visit our website at www.RMSresults.com.