3 Tips to Elevate the Customer Experience

The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS.
Years ago, customer service got a little shifty. It wasn’t uncommon that you found yourself trying to communicate your billing issues via keypad and automated telephone systems. It also wasn’t uncommon to find yourself treated as just another number instead of a person. And the most common thing of all was hearing how infuriated everyone was becoming when they couldn’t talk to a real person about what was going on with stuff that was pretty important to them (like their hard-earned money). Then, a shift. A few years back, some businesses recognized this and took action. Companies like Chase and Discover recognized their consumers’ complaints regarding customer service and brought them back to the safety and security of talking with a human being, in the same country. You may remember a campaign introducing Kristen in Kentucky, who could give you a better customer experience by helping you figure out what suspicious activity had been going on with your account.
Customer experience, better known as CX, is fast becoming the deciding factor as to whether a business will flop or flourish. And should that really be a surprise to anyone? It’s no longer an advantage for companies to offer an elevated experience—it’s a requirement. If your customers aren’t happy with the product or service you give them, they’ll go elsewhere for one simple reason: because they can (and they will). So what’s the best way to gauge your customers’ experience? A little market research and a little common sense. Here’s three genuine ways you can gain the ultimate competitive advantage:
- It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
It’s no secret that the “corporate voice” has softened over the years. Websites, social media posts, brochures and surveys have lost that stuffy, boring tone that can read like a legal document. Your customer should feel as if they’re your comrade, not your inferior. Use your voice to really show you’re in this together, and your experience and expertise are bonuses that will solidify this fact.
- Get some feedback.
You’ll never really understand your customers’ experiences unless you ask them for their honest feedback. Yes, online communities, social media posts, and reviews should all be evaluated and taken into consideration regularly, but it’s equally important to give your audience a chance to speak their piece. This can be as simple as promoting online groups and customer satisfaction surveys. These will not only give you feedback on how to better tailor your service, but may also bring to light things you’ve never thought of. And an added bonus? This could also rekindle a warm feeling of satisfaction within your customers when they recall how happy you’ve made them.
- Be unwavering.
Loyalty. All brands should be striving for it, because with it comes brand ambassadors, powerful reviews and a brand that overall treats its customers they want to be treated: like people, not consumers. Think of your favorite brands. One thing they have in common is they strive to make your experience amazing every single time. Generating elevated experiences can deliver circumstantial relevance when your customers need it most.
RMS is a full-service market research firm located in Syracuse, NY. If you are interested in learning more about our research capabilities, please contact Sandy Baker, our Senior Director of Business Development & Corporate Strategy at SandyB@RMSresults.com or by calling 866-567-5422.
really helpful information..