Healthcare Update! Acronyms You Need to Know!

The following blog post was written by Christine Benn, Business Development Coordinator at RMS.
As the healthcare industry continues to grow and evolve, we are finding ourselves with more and more acronyms to remember. As a research firm, we want to help you stay up to date and informed on the latest acronyms we are using at RMS:
ACO – Accountable Care Organizations
As a Medicare Shared Savings Program, program participants are responsible for contracting with an approved vendor to administer the ACO CAHPS survey to eligible patients, collecting data on 34 quality measures to meet the program requirements.
AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AHRQ is responsible for linking research and practices for continuing excellence in healthcare. RMS Healthcare provides services to healthcare systems through programs funded by AHRQ.
CAHPS – Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
CAHPS surveys include various lines of standardized surveys focused on patients’ experiences related to the care they receive. RMS is a CMS-approved survey vendor for multiple CAHPS surveys.
CG CAHPS – Clinician & Group CAHPS
This standardized surveying tool measures patient’s experiences related to the provider care received in an office setting. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
CCN – CMS Certification Number
Each Medicare provider or supplier has a unique number containing six digits. These numbers are important for RMS in ensuring proper tracking and data compliance with CMS.
CHNA – Community Health Needs Assessment
Part of an implemented strategic plan to identify and assess your community’s needs to make better use of resources and improve population health. RMS conducts comprehensive assessments for communities and health systems.
CMS – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CMS is responsible for the development, implementation, and overall administration of patient experience surveys, particularly the CAHPS surveys. During the survey administration periods, RMS submits the patient survey data directly to CMS representatives. All CMS related survey data is publicly reported on their website.
DSRIP – Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment
The DSRIP initiative strives to integrate services, collaborate on patient care, improve regional healthcare quality, and lower the costs of care to reduce avoidable hospital use by 25% over five years. RMS works with organizations to conduct surveying related to the patient’s experiences with providers and office staff during care.
ECHO – Experience of Care and Healthcare Outcomes
This standardized surveying tool measures patient’s experiences related to the effectiveness of behavioral health services. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
EDPEC – Emergency Department Patient Experience of Care
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experiences related to the care received with the emergency department. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
EMR – Electronic Medical Record
The use of an EMR vendor allows healthcare organizations to send accurate patient information. For CAHPS surveying, RMS needs proper patient data for sampling and surveying.
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experiences related to the care received in a hospital setting. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experiences related to the care received from a certified home health agency. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
When working with medical information, it is important that privacy is at the forefront. All RMS employees are HIPAA trained and compliant.
ICH CAHPS – In-Center Hemodialysis CAHPS
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experiences related to the care received in a certified dialysis facility. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
MIPS CAHPS – Merit-based Incentive Payment System
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experience and care. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
NCQA – National Committee for Quality Assurance
As a leader in healthcare accreditation, NCQA is dedicated to improving healthcare through various recognition programs. RMS works with organizations to meet the performance standards and implement strategies that are improving the level of care throughout the country.
OAS CAHPS – Outpatient Ambulatory Surgery CAHPS
This standardized surveying tool measures patient experiences related to the care received from a certified hospital outpatient department or ambulatory surgery center. RMS is a CMS-approved vendor for this survey line.
PACE – Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
This program allows individuals to receive care within their home, community or at a PACE center rather than going into a nursing home. RMS works with PACE programs to survey the participants bi-annually to ensure a high level of care.
PCMH – Patient-Centered Medical Home
This NCQA program was put in place to transform practices to provide patient-centered and coordinated care. RMS’ practice transformation team works with practices to create a viable solution for long-term, meaningful success.
QAG – Quality Assurance Guidelines
RMS’ CAHPS team strictly follows the QAG’s related to each CAHPS line which include survey administration protocols and any updates and/or changes to the survey.
Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a full-service market research and consulting firm located in Baldwinsville, NY. As a CMS-approved CAHPS® Vendor, RMS’ Healthcare Department is composed of two divisions: Healthcare Analytics and Healthcare Practice Transformation. The Healthcare Analytics team is responsible for several aspects of the CAHPS Survey Administrations, including the following product lines: ACO CAHPS, CG CAHPS, ECHO Survey, ED Survey, H CAHPS, HH CAHPS, Hospice CAHPS, ICH CAHPS, OAS CAHPS and MIPS. The Practice Transformation team handles the coordination of quality initiatives to assist clients achieving Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)™ Recognition. To learn more about our healthcare services, contact Christine Benn, Business Development Coordinator at [email protected] or by calling 866-567-5422.
Thanks for such a great content. you have such a really nice information here.
Such a lovely article. You have really done great work by collecting all the acronyms related to Health care industries.
Thank you, hope it helps!
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