Data Integrity | Protecting Your Online Survey

As previously cited in this blog, online surveys have become the most common survey mode in market research – true for Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.  Online surveys are done quicker and cheaper than the more traditional mail or phone methodologies, thus clients are choosing that mode instead of others.  In the process, be careful to not lose your focus on data integrity as your clients request online surveys. 

There are 3 basic types of online survey offenders the RMS research bunker team watches for:

1. “The Daydreamer” – this respondent does not read the questions or stay focused enough to understand what is being asked.  Known Accomplices: “The Woolgatherer,” “The Aloof,” “Mr. or Ms. Elsewhere”

2. “The Imposter” – this respondent provides false data to a) bias survey results or b) fraud data to qualify for a survey with an incentive being offered.  Known Accomplices: “The Survey Swindler,” “The Con,” “The Pretender”

3. “The Speeder” – this respondent races through the survey in record time, click after click after click, leaving a trail of data integrity destruction in his/her path.  Known Accomplices: “The Express,” “The Research Runner,” “The Straightliner”

How do you stop them?  Here are five suggestions:

  • Suggestion #1: Find a trustworthy sample house.  A lot of the imposters can be eliminated through filtering of sample.
  • Suggestion #2: Add a hidden variable for TTC (time to complete) the survey.  Set a parameter during the data collection process.  Plan to remove the first 2% or 5% of outliers who completed the survey in the least amount of time.  Or you can review the TTC variable manually; if the tested survey takes 12 minutes to complete and you have respondents who completed it in under 5, you have identified your speeders.
  • Suggestion #3: Take a demographic question you asked in the beginning of the survey and repeat it at the end (age, zip code, number of people in household).  If the answers do not match, you’ve singled out the 3 offenders.
  • Suggestion #4: Work in a trap or verification question – ask the respondent to select #4 below or type ABC in the box below.   Another option is to list a product/service/company that does not exist and place it in the grid with others.   If they do not select or answer correctly or rate something that doesn’t exist, disqualify them from the survey.  Some companies use opposite wording or double negatives for this.  I argue against it as it confuses respondents and often frustrates them to a point of dropping out.

  • Suggestion #5: Simply making your surveys concise, engaging and interesting will eliminate a lot of online data integrity issues and stop these 3 imposters!

Please Note: Not all online surveys require these types of controls – many audiences will be attentive, credible and will answer the questions thoughtfully.  Just work with your market research provider to determine whether or not these quality checks need to be put in place.  This article is loosely based off a Quirks article from August 2008 titled By the Numbers: Protecting online survey data integrity by author Chris Gwinner.

10 Responses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adam Jolley, Michelle Mamo. Michelle Mamo said: Data Integrity | Protecting Your Online Survey #MR […]

  2. […] Data Integrity | Protecting Your Online Survey (click here to read) […]

  3. […] before answering, something that should not be taken for granted with the ever-growing need for data integrity in market […]

  4. […] various techniques that should be used to prevent straight-lining, but this is not one of them.  Click here to read our post that goes into further detail about data […]

  5. […] in before we even begin populating a single chart for the report.  This is especially true in online survey data collection which is more prone to quality control […]

  6. […] studies have been done on this concept and appropriate measures are instituted in survey design to identify and prevent respondent fatigue.  The growth of e-surveys and interactive methodologies was in part driven by correcting poor […]

  7. […] Trained research respondents.  The respondents being research-ready can also be a negative.  Many online research panel respondents can become aware of how to answer screener questions to avoid being screened out and continue with the survey.  This issue can be somewhat mitigated by changing the wording and method for screener questions or asking them to re-confirm data at the end of the survey. Here are some tips to improve online data quality. […]

  8. […] Approach: To meet the objectives at-hand RMS consulted with the two client teams to design an online panel survey lasting approximately 10 minutes. The panel survey addressed the following objectives: (1) awareness and familiarity with the healthcare organization’s service portfolio; (2) specific feedback on the messaging and visuals of seven separate print advertisements; (3) overall support for the campaign; (4) reaction to specific messaging; and (5) other secondary objectives. Respondents were shown print advertisement visuals on their screen for each of the seven advertisements. The survey was formatted and programmed to allow respondents to complete via desktop, tablet, laptop, or mobile device. A total of 354 respondents across New York State completed the online survey. RMS inspected the data received from online participants and removed cases that did not meet the quality standards. […]

  9. […] critical with online and panel studies when surveys are self-administered by respondents. Here are 5 data integrity checks for online surveys to handle your “daydreamers”, “impostors”, and […]

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