This article was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) and it will be featured in the upcoming edition of the RMS Newsletter.

Researchers all agree that telephone surveys are one of the best means for collecting primary data from targeted population segments. They provide for real-time, two-way communication and give a personalized sense of engagement. On the flip side, they typically are quite expensive with a typical cost ranging from $25-$30 per completed interview excluding other research costs such as survey design and analysis. Over the past couple of years, we have been able to accommodate the benefits of using a telephone survey in a unique application we call a “Quick Pulse Survey,” which produces fast results.

What is a “Quick Pulse Survey?” A “Quick Pulse Survey” is  a telephone survey that lasts no more than three- to five-minutes in length. It typically consists of 10 to 12 close-ended questions with one open-ended inquiry. The survey has a very quick turn-around from design to report. The entire process can be done within a two- to three-week timeframe. Furthermore, it can provide a statistically reliable sampling, which means your results are accurate. Moreover, it provides a means to reach out to your target market in a proactive, credible manner that shows participants that you care about their input. Finally, the Quick Pulse survey tool has a fixed, low-cost of approximately $5,000. This means a total project fee that is less than half the traditional costs associated with telephone interviewing.

What is a Quick Pulse Survey?

Do you have questions that you need answered for your business and don’t have a large budget? A Quick Pulse survey might be the right solution for you. Contact our Business Development Director Sandy Baker at or by calling 315-635-9802 to discuss.