Graduate Survey Case Study | Market Research

Background: A higher education institution partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) to conduct ongoing graduate surveys. The institution’s goals were to obtain feedback from graduates of the college regarding their experience as a student approximately 6 months following their graduation. RMS is a graduate survey firm located outside of Syracuse, NY with a client roster that extends across the country.

Graduate survey firm

Graduate survey via

Approach: RMS designed an online survey to be sent to a list of recent graduates. This list is provided on a semi-annual basis by the college as part of this rolling graduate survey program. RMS follows a three-step process to achieve the highest potential response rate for the college: (1) sending out an initial email invitation for the survey, (2) sending the 1st reminder email out approximately 1 week after launch, and (3) making a telephone reminder phone call to non-responders before sending a 3rd and final email invitation to participate. Following the 3 week timeframe, RMS exports the data into an Excel CSV file for the client, so results can be tabulated in-house and the market research consultant fees can remain at a minimum for the college. Each time, RMS obtains a 20% to 30% response rate for this study, which is much higher than other colleges have produced in-house.

Results: The survey provides the higher education institution with the following information from recent graduates:

  • Satisfaction with the following aspects of their college career: instruction in your major program, academic advising, interaction with faculty, access to computers, various department services, course scheduling, and registration.
  • Information about where students have continued their education (if applicable).
  • How well their education prepared them for further study or current employment.
  • Salary information at their current position.
  • Interest level in receiving information about the alumni association.

If you are a college or university and are looking to conduct a graduate survey or are looking for a graduate survey firm to assist you, contact our Business Development Director, Sandy Baker at or call her at 1-866-567-5422.

2 Responses

  1. […] week the Bunker wrote a case study blog post for a college conducting graduate surveys. This blog post is a case study summary of an online graduate survey targeted to high school […]

  2. […] and focus groups on marketing messaging to name a few. If you are interested in using RMS as your graduate survey vendor contact our Director of Business Development Sandy Baker at or by calling […]

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