You can do your own surveys & you may get some answers. Let us do your surveys & we’ll get better answers. Strengthen your institution by asking those who matter most — prospective students, alumni, donors, faculty, staff & students. Surveys done by a third party are more likely to produce open and honest responses Read more
Tag Archives: IDIs
COLLEGE SURVEYS: Get Reliable Survey Feedback from Your Staff & Students with RMS
What is an IDI?
The following post was written by Emily Palermo, Research & Social Media Associate at RMS. An in-depth interview (IDI) is a qualitative research method that gathers comprehensive information from stakeholders. Researchers often conduct IDIs in-person, over the phone, or via the web as it’s critical for the respondent and interviewer to be able to converse Read more
In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) | Provide Detailed and Comprehensive Findings
First things first, you might be asking yourself what is an in-depth interview (IDI)? An IDI is a conversation between a researcher and a single respondent with the purpose of exploring issues or topics in great detail. The interviewer encourages participants to freely discuss their feelings and opinions, and probes on questions to gain insight Read more
9 Reasons to Choose In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) | Market Research in Upstate NY
This Bunker Blog post lists some of the benefits of doing qualitative research, in particular in-depth interviews (IDIs).