PCMH™ Requirement Changes Coming in 2022

If you haven’t heard already, NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance) has issued some substantial changes to the PCMH™ reporting measures for the coming year. If you’re a practice pursuing or sustaining PCMH Recognition, here’s what you and your team need to know about the NYS PCMH™ Recognition changes, effective January 1, 2022.
Notable Changes
The most notable changes require practices to report on measures in a more structured way, starting in January 2022, utilizing additional features in Q-PASS. This new feature is expounded upon in Appendix 5 and includes a list of supported measures.
A table summarizing the publication changes is available in the PCMH FAQ section of ncqa.org.
What This Means for You
- Introduction of standardized QI measures
- Enhancement of team-based quality improvement
- Continued alignment with CMS, HEDIS, and VBR measures
- Enhancement of patient communication and continuity of care
- Detailed management of high-risk populations while addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)
- Enhancement to Q-PASS to demonstrate alignment with quality improvement initiatives
- Continued focus on test tracking and referral management
- Implementation of clinical decision support following evidence
How We Can Help
- The RMS Healthcare team partners with practices to create and sustain a collaborative and high functioning team
- Develop, implement, and evaluate workflows and policies to optimize performance and efficiencies
- Maximize use of digital reporting capabilities through use of your EMR, HIE, and dashboards
- Develop targeted and actionable quality improvement activities
RMS understands the current landscape of healthcare delivery, health inequities, and SDoH, as well as the challenges that providers are facing after COVID-19. Whether you are a practice new to PCMH Recognition, or you are pursuing Annual Reporting, in our continued commitment to assist practices to achieve PCMH Recognition, we will continue to share NCQA updates as they are made available.
Download our collateral piece that also details these changes here.
If you should have any questions regarding the most recent important information released from NCQA or would like to connect with us about your continued interest to maintain PCMH Recognition, please feel free to reach out to Susan Maxsween, Vice President of Healthcare Operations & Consulting, by email at SusanM@RMSresults.com or call 866.567.5422. We would be happy to schedule a brief call to chat with you to learn more about what your consultation needs may be.