Tag Archives: brand awareness

  1. RMS CASE STUDY: Measuring Customer Satisfaction & Brand Awareness in the Banking Industry

    Article by Katya Dashkevich, RMS Research Associate – RMS recently partnered with a bank to conduct a community awareness and financial need survey. The overall goal of this study was to understand its customers’ rate of satisfaction, loyalty, and needs as well as the community’s general awareness and perceptions of its image and brand equity. Read more

  2. HOSPITAL CASE STUDY: Conducting an Image and Brand Awareness Study

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – Introduction: A hospital recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct market research regarding its image and awareness. The client wanted to explore the community’s perception of their hospital compared to other regional health centers. This was achieved by collaboratively developing a telephone survey Read more

  3. 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Market Research Firm Instead of Conducting Market Research In-House

    The truth is, you are completely capable of conducting your own market research in-house. For example, if you have questions regarding your company’s image, products or services, you could create a survey and email the survey to your current client list requesting they participate. If you are curious about a new product or service you Read more

  4. Member Preferences Research—Case Study

    This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). A local casino recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct member preferences research. The casino wanted to better understand its members perception of the brand, member benefits, identify casino member reward preferences, and Read more

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