Category Archives: Market Research

  1. Our Best Blogs of 2017

    Do Your Research: Our Best Market Research Blogs of 2017

    The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS. As we head into the new year, there couldn’t be a better time to look back at the market research trends and methods that shaped 2017. Our most popular articles of the year covered a variety of useful information, Read more

  2. Insights in the Numbers

    You Have the Research, Now Turn the Numbers into Insights

    The following blog post was written by Josh Elander, Research Associate at RMS. While the numbers that result from a market research study can sometimes speak for themselves, it’s important to be comprehensive. Data should be thoroughly examined for valuable insights, and at the end of a project the findings should tell a story relevant Read more

  3. Data Collection in this Digital Age

    Market Research: More Than Data Collection in this Digital Age

    The following blog post was written by Mark Dengler, President & Owner of RMS. Over the past several years, the market research industry has sought to identify relevant consumer data and turn that into decision-making, informational knowledge for clients. However, no longer is it sufficient to simply analyze data and answer questions like “Are my Read more

  4. How Market Research Can Help You

    The following post was written by Josh Elander, Research Associate at RMS. Jumping into the world of market research can be a daunting idea, especially when your business isn’t accustomed to the research process. A great market research firm will be able to customize the project to suit the needs of your business, and help Read more

  5. Hospital Revenue Management In-Depth Interviews – Case Study

    This blog post was written by Erica Winters, Sr. Research Analyst & Social Media Strategist, and is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: A consulting company recently partnered with RMS to conduct hospital revenue management research. The client wanted to better understand the hospital merger/acquisition process as Read more

  6. what type of research?

    Integrating Primary Research with Secondary Research

    The following blog post was written by Josh Elander, Research Associate at RMS. Data is everywhere these days. It’s nearly impossible not to encounter at least one form of it in the business world on a regular basis, whether you’re a client or market research supplier. But not all data is created equal – primary Read more

  7. Know Your Competitors

    The following blog post was written by Zach Shaw, Panel Associate at RMS. Knowing your competition is important, whether you’re starting a new business, revamping an old one, or rolling out a new service. Every good business plan should be created with their competitors in mind; it’s the best way to take a closer look Read more

  8. Three Easy Tips to Get the Most out of Your LinkedIn Profile

    The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS. Picture this: you’ve been making the move on a prospective client, trying to get your foot in the door, and you’ve finally been able to reach them over the phone or in person. Their time is extremely limited, and you’ve Read more

  9. What is an IDI?

    The following post was written by Emily Palermo, Research & Social Media Associate at RMS. An in-depth interview (IDI) is a qualitative research method that gathers comprehensive information from stakeholders. Researchers often conduct IDIs in-person, over the phone, or via the web as it’s critical for the respondent and interviewer to be able to converse Read more

  10. survey fatigue

    3 Easy Ways to Fight Survey Fatigue

    The following post was written by Tal Gordon, former Intern at RMS. Surveying is a widely used primary research method when conducting a market research project. When creating, distributing, and evaluating a survey, it’s critical to take the participant experience into consideration, and it’s key to keep participants engaged to avoid survey fatigue. Survey fatigue Read more

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