Category Archives: Focus Groups

  1. Is a Focus Group Right for Your Organization?

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – Focus groups are a terrific research methodology. When done well, they allow for free-flowing information and the ability for individuals to build on ideas, explore new ones, challenge assumptions, and create new strategies. Ideas can be tested in real-time in a small setting and integrated Read more

  2. The Role of Market Research in Shaping Communities: An Interview with Sandy Baker of RMS

    Market research often lurks behind the scenes, yet its impact on businesses and communities is profound. To unravel the mysteries of this vital field, Cindy Clarke from PAC-B TV paid a visit to our corporate office and conducted a video interview with our own Sandy Baker, Vice President of Corporate Development. Below, is a summary Read more

  3. Focus Group Best Practices & Why RMS is YOUR CNY Focus Group Facility

    If you are planning Focus Groups for your clients, let us help. CNY is a top test market in the country and we know how to find the right participants! SOME FOCUS GROUP BEST PRACTICES The Importance of Participant Selection Choose participants that represent the greater demographic and are comfortable expressing their views. The Selection Read more

  4. Recruiting the Right Participants for Your Focus Groups: Best Practices

    Article by Ryan Moore, RMS Research Coordinator At a glance: The Importance of Participant Selection – Choose participants that represent the greater demographic and are comfortable expressing their views. The Selection Process – Define the Purpose of the Focus Group and conduct a recruitment screener to confirm they meet the proper requirements for participation. Participant Outreach Read more

  5. Do you want to be like Nike?

    The following blog post was written by Sara Cruz, Research Associate at RMS. What do many multi-million or multi-billion companies have in common? They truly know and understand their ideal customer. They see the value in learning everything possible about what they like, don’t like, want, don’t want, as well as their struggles, preferences, and Read more

  6. What makes a GREAT focus group facility?

    The following blog post was written by Sara Cruz, Research Associate at RMS. First, let’s define what a focus group facility means. A typical focus group facility is a space consisting of a customized setting. One example would be a conference room, where an observation room is connected to the focus group setting by a one-way mirror. The one-way mirror allows Read more

  7. Focus Group Commercials

    Did You Know Focus Groups Are Being Featured In Commercials?

    The following blog post was written by Sara Cruz, Research Associate at RMS. Have you seen this Domino’s commercial? Or this one from Febreze? Or this commercial from Chevy’s “Real people, not actors” campaign? Or this funny commercial advertising Snickers’ Peanut Butter Squared? Did you know you were watching a focus group in those commercials? Read more

  8. How To Get The Right Participants For Focus Groups

    When it comes to focus groups, it’s crucial to recruit the right participants. Typically a focus group includes a small number of people, often between 8 to 12 participants, plus a moderator that helps guide the discussion. The moderator’s goal is to get participants to answer the pre-defined questions in the moderator’s guide, but also Read more

  9. Image and Awareness Focus Groups—Case Study

    This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS).  Background: An advertising firm partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct image and awareness focus groups for their client, an international quick service restaurant. The end-client wanted to better understand consumer perceptions of the restaurant’s menu, Read more

  10. Tips for Conducting a Successful Focus Group – Part 2

    This is Part 2 of our series on successful focus group implementation. Review Part 1 tips here. Moderating Approach The skill of the moderator can make or break the focus group. It’s best to hire a professional who has experience managing the dynamics of a focus group. It’s not uncommon for discussions to go off Read more

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