The Research Bunker

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Residential Living Facility Feasibility – Case Study

    This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: An organization aiming to offer residential living services in New York State recently partnered with RMS to conduct feasibility research. The client wanted to better understand the primary market area (PMA) and identify whether it is feasible Read more

  2. The Outlook of Market Research in 2017

    In the world of market research, new approaches and strategies are being developed rapidly. One of the ways we like to stay smart on industry trends is by reviewing the GreenBook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) Report. Below are a few tidbits from the Q3 and Q4 report, which we found particularly insightful. Mobile Surveys Are Read more

  3. Circular Advertisement Usage—Case Study

    This blog post was written by Erica Winters, Sr. Research Analyst & Social Media Strategist, and is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: A national retailer recently partnered with RMS to conduct consumer usage research. The client wanted to better understand consumer perceptions, receipt, use, and sales Read more

  4. What To Look for in a CAHPS Vendor

    With patient-centered healthcare on the rise, CAHPS® surveys are more prevalent now than ever before. Being such an essential aspect of your organization’s success, how do you go about deciding which CMS-approved CAHPS vendor to partner with for your surveying? If you’re in the position of participating in any of the CAHPS surveys, here are Read more

  5. Market Research Acronyms Explained

    The following post was written by Tal Gordon, Intern at RMS. The market research industry is flooded with an abundance of phrases and lingo that is commonly used between businesses, employers, and clients. The use of acronyms in particular has gained in popularity, thanks largely due to the prevalence of social media usage, but also in Read more

  6. Central New Yorkers Are In The Holiday Spirit!

    According to a recent poll of Central New Yorkers conducted by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) ViewPoint, 24% of individuals purchase 10 to 12 gifts this holiday season, with 21% purchasing for 7 to 9 people, and 19% for both 4 to 6 and more than 15 people. When it comes to starting their Read more

  7. How To Get The Right Participants For Focus Groups

    When it comes to focus groups, it’s crucial to recruit the right participants. Typically a focus group includes a small number of people, often between 8 to 12 participants, plus a moderator that helps guide the discussion. The moderator’s goal is to get participants to answer the pre-defined questions in the moderator’s guide, but also Read more

  8. What is VoC Research?

    The following post was written by Mark Dengler, President at RMS. In the market research world, the voice of the customer (VoC) is key to understanding and managing customer experiences as well as enhancing product/service design. You should always be listening to your customers and what they are saying, whether it be directly to your organization’s Read more

  9. K-12 District Perception and Public Opinion Research

    During the fall, we see an uptick in research on district perception and public opinion from our secondary education clients. It’s common for school districts to gauge the community’s perception on proposed curriculum, budget, and instructional changes prior to the public vote the following spring, or prior to implementation. By conducting the research, the district Read more

  10. 2016 RMS Election Survey Results

    We recently conducted a 2016 election survey amongst our RMS ViewPoint Research Panel, as well as Central New York residents. Respondents were not asked who they would be voting for, however, they were asked about their overall impression of the elections. Below is a summary of some of the results. RMS is a full-service market Read more

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