Category Archives: Insights

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. How Reliable Is Your Data? | Market Research Vendor

    With all of the market research methodologies available to a business, it’s difficult to determine which one is best. Work with your market research consultant to determine the pros and cons of each. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research vendor in Upstate, NY.

  2. Library Usage | Not for Profit Market Research

    This blog post discusses not for profit market research conducted for library usage. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Upstate NY.

  3. Robots Need Not Apply | Call Center Upstate NY

    This is a blog posts that discusses the importance of good quality callers in our call center in Upstate NY. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a full-service market research firm and call center in Upstate NY.

  4. 4 Benefits of Transcripts in Qualitative Research | Market Research Upstate NY

    This blog post discusses the key benefits to using transcripts in qualitative research, particularly in reporting. RMS is a market research firm located in Upstate NY.

  5. What is Market Research?

    What is market research? Market research is the process gathering information about a specific consumers/customer group or market. RMS is a market research firm located in Syracuse, NY. Check out our blog for more information about market research.

  6. Is Observational Research Too Often Overlooked in Market Research?

    This blog post discusses how market research firms should look into observational and behavioral research in addition to traditional market research methods for clients. RMS is a market research firm in Upstate, NY.

  7. The Dangers of Defining Your Competition Too Narrowly

    This most recent blog posts discusses the narrow scope that businesses often set for their competition. In reality, your true competition spreads well-beyond product category.

  8. 5 Advantages to a Smaller Market Research Firm | Syracuse, NY

    Thinking about a career in market research? Here are 5 advantages to working for a smaller market research firm. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Syracuse, NY.

  9. The Referral Engine | Market Research Consultant in Syracuse, NY

    This blog post discusses the book The Referral Engine and how the author reinvents the customer decision making process and the AIDA model. RMS is a market research consultant in Syracuse, NY.

  10. Survey Coding in Market Research | Is There a Bias?

    This blog posts discusses what survey coding is in market research. It also discusses the subjectivity of coding open-ended responses and how it can vary from coder to coder.

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