Adult learners, sometimes called nontraditional students, have long been a part of the market for higher education, but in recent years the segment has grown in importance. In fact, a 2002 special analysis by the National Center for Education Statistics revealed that there were roughly the same number of nontraditional undergraduate students studying at American Read more
Category Archives: Education
Adult Learners: An Important Segment for American Colleges & Universities
Helicopter Parents and Their Impact on Market Research for Colleges
The Bunker covers the topic of Helicopter parents and their impact on market research in colleges and universities.
Market Research Solutions for Colleges and Universities
Vance takes some time here in this post to describe why colleges and universities are doing more market research these days, and the different types of studies they undertake.
Market Research in Syracuse NY | Case Study 2
Case Study 2: RMS discusses our market research with a local school district outside of Syracuse, NY.
Using Market Research for Information on School Budget Votes
This blog post discusses different types of marketing research that a school district could use to assist in their strategic planning and enrollment projections. It is specifically related to market research for school budget votes.