Tag Archives: Telephone Surveys

  1. Improve Patient Engagement

    These 3 Tactics Can Improve Your Patient Engagement & Overall Scores

    The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer. As a CMS-approved CAHPS Survey provider and healthcare consulting research firm with over a decade of patient satisfaction surveying experience, it is our job and our goal as a survey vendor and consultant to provide our clients with the tools and Read more

  2. RMS News: Too Many Surveys? Is There a Down-Side?

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). It was featured in the April 2014 edition of the RMS Newsletter. I was recently asked my thoughts about the burgeoning survey industry in today’s marketplace. My response was, “Too many? That depends.” The perception of excess surveying depends Read more

  3. Robots Need Not Apply | Call Center Upstate NY

    This is a blog posts that discusses the importance of good quality callers in our call center in Upstate NY. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a full-service market research firm and call center in Upstate NY.

  4. Hidden & Overlooked Market Research Findings

    Ever had issues like these – projects riddled with poor response rates; screeners that disqualify nearly all potential respondents; respondents wondering why they are being contacted about something they are supposed to be familiar with?  Most likely anybody that has worked in market research has had some sort of experience with issues like this.   In Read more

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