The Research Bunker

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. RMS CASE STUDY: Using an Employee Satisfaction Survey to Improve Management Practices

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – Introduction: A regional cancer treatment center recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct market research to gain insight about the leadership team within their organization. The client wanted to hear from their employees about what their supervisors are doing well and what they Read more

  2. RMS CASE STUDY: Financial Institution Perception Survey

    Article by Ryan Moore, RMS Research Coordinator – Research and Marketing Strategies, Inc., (RMS) recently partnered with a financial institution specializing in checking accounts, savings accounts, mortgage loans, and personal loans. (RMS) was to conduct a community perception survey. They used findings gathered from the study to enhance their services and develop marketing strategies and Read more

  3. 4 Benefits of Mixed-Mode Market Research

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – Mixed-mode research uses various data collection strategies within a single survey. This can include CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing), mail, text, mobile, or web survey administration. There are different ways a mixed-mode study can be designed. For example, individuals may receive an email soliciting electronic participation Read more

  4. Healthcare Case Study: How We Helped Understand Factors Related to Provider Engagement

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – Introduction: A national behavioral health network recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct market research with the contracted healthcare providers within their network. The client wanted to explore why these providers within their network were not accepting or providing services to patients with Read more

  5. 3 Questions to Ask Before You Start Your Next Market Research Project

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – One of the things that I love about market research is that it provides the opportunity to use many methods. Qualitative techniques like focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, or intercept work. Or quantitative data like surveys or accessing secondary data resources. Then within the analysis, Read more

  6. The Importance of Pre-Testing Your Online Survey

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – It goes without saying – some level of pre-testing is a must before launching a full-scale survey. Survey Sampling International (SSI) defines a pre-test as a questionnaire that is tested on a statistically small sample of respondents before a full-scale study. The benefits of pre-testing cannot be overstated whether you Read more

  7. RMS ViewPoint Panel: Helping You Make Better Decisions

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – Last month, I was finalizing a research report for a client. As I was reading through responses, one quote jumped out at me. To paraphrase, this individual stated, “The industry is rapidly changing, and companies need to modernize and continue to change with it.” The Read more

  8. Lessens in the Field: How to Conduct In-Depth Interviews

    Lessons from the Field: How to Conduct an In-Depth Interview

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – One of the biggest “ah ha” moments for me as a researcher took place when I was sitting in a course about qualitative research. At that time in my career – I had already completed thousands of qualitative interviews, led focus groups, moderated sessions – Read more

  9. Market Research: In-House or Third Party?

    Article by Ryan Moore, RMS Research Coordinator – Knowing When to Conduct Market Research – Companies seek insights into their market environment to learn customer preferences and behaviors, market trends, and what competitors are offering. Conducting Market Research In-House – Conducting market research internally could increase the possibility of bias or unreliable results, but can Read more

  10. How Market Research Supports Your Grant Writing Initiatives

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – We know how competitive grants have become and how essential they are to funding many organizations’ programs and initiatives. We strongly feel that organizations should have a market research-backed grant-writing infrastructure before new proposals or opportunities arise. Being prepared with an infrastructure will expedite the Read more

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