Category Archives: CAHPS

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  1. MIPS CAHPS CMS Approved Vendor

    RMS Receives CMS Approval to Administer the MIPS CAHPS Survey

    The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS. Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) announced it has received final approval from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to conduct the Merit-based Incentive Payment System Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey (MIPS CAHPS)® for the Read more

  2. Selecting an OAS CAHPS® Vendor Prior to Mandatory Implementation

    The following blog post was written by Christine Benn, Business Development Coordinator at RMS. Warning: deadlines are closer than they appear. For those Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC’s) and Medicare-certified Hospital Outpatient Departments (HOPD’s) who will be mandated to conduct the OAS CAHPS® surveys beginning in January 2018, now is the time to get started. Become Read more

  3. What To Look for in a CAHPS Vendor

    With patient-centered healthcare on the rise, CAHPS® surveys are more prevalent now than ever before. Being such an essential aspect of your organization’s success, how do you go about deciding which CMS-approved CAHPS vendor to partner with for your surveying? If you’re in the position of participating in any of the CAHPS surveys, here are Read more

  4. CAHPS Facts vs. Fiction

    The following post was written by Samadhi Moreno, Healthcare Research Associate at RMS. I recently listened to a new AHRQ Podcast on the common concerns and misconceptions regarding the CAHPS surveys. The title of the podcast series was “CAHPS Surveys: Sorting Fact from Fiction” by Rebecca Anhang-Price. CAHPS results are used for pay per performance Read more

  5. HCAHPS Update: Using Patient Experience Information in Hospitals

    The following post was written by Samadhi Moreno, Healthcare Research Associate at RMS. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently announced a new exciting research project titled: “Using Patient Experience Information in Hospitals: A survey of Hospital Quality Leaders.” The project aims to answer the following questions: How do hospitals collect patient experience Read more

  6. Selecting a CAHPS® for ACOs Vendor

    RMS is pleased to announce that we have been approved for a second year as a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) vendor of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems® (CAHPS®) for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) survey! RMS is in its ninth year of CAHPS® survey administration, and is highly experienced in Read more

  7. RMS is CAHPS® For PQRS Approved!

    RMS is pleased to announce that we are a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved vendor of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems® (CAHPS®) for Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) survey! RMS is in its ninth year of CAHPS® survey administration, and is highly experienced in the collection of data and Read more

  8. CAHPS® for PQRS Timeline Taking Shape for 2015

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Megan O’Donnell, Manager at Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) Healthcare Division. The Affordable Care Act mandates that all eligible professionals in practices of two or more physicians, who are receiving payment for Medicare Part B fee-for-service under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS), participate in public Read more

  9. ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor | What's New for 2013?

    This blog was written by our guest blogger Paul Dybas, former Business Development Associate for Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). RMS is an ICH CAHPS® vendor based out of Syracuse, NY. What’s new for 2013? Short answer: not much. The general guidelines for the administration and data collection have stayed the same for 2013. One significant difference Read more

  10. 2013 ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor — The Second Round

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger, Paul Dybas, former Business Development Associate at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS), a market research firm in Syracuse, NY. Now that the ICH CAHPS® survey process is complete for 2012, it is a great time to do a recap and also discuss what is coming in 2013. Read more

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