Category Archives: Insights

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Year Around March Madness for Market Research Firms? | Syracuse NY

    This is an article I just came across in the recent edition of Quirk’s magazine: “TRC Market Research, Philadelphia, has launched Bracket, a market research technique designed to aid marketers in new product development. Bracket aims to offer a method for prioritizing choices using a tournament-style structure that eliminates losing features to make the task Read more

  2. Which Methodology Generates the Best Results? | Market Research

    Today, I posed the question to our staff to get their feedback on the following topic: “Which methodology generates the best results?”  We each took some time to give you our thoughts on which market research methodology is best and why.  Here are the answers below: Chris, Senior Research Associate at RMS – Each and every Read more

  3. 13 Traits of a Good Data Analyst | Market Research Careers

    As I am reading through the book Now You See It written by Stephen Few, I came across a good chapter, which highlights 13 key traits of a data analyst.  Although much of the book is focused on visual techniques, the author explains how critical it is to understand the story behind the visuals before Read more

  4. Managing Your Customer’s Expectations | Market Research Firm

    This post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President of Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. – a market research firm in Upstate NY. Whether hospitality, healthcare or retail, successful businesses excel by distinguishing themselves from the competition. For example, in Central and Western New York, Wegmans is considered the gold standard of grocery Read more

  5. Is E-mail Becoming Obsolete?

    It wasn’t all that long ago at all – maybe 10 or 12 years – that you couldn’t assume with any certainty that a person had access to e-mail.  The medium was still fairly new and not everyone had adopted it yet. With that in mind, it is a testament to how fast technology moves that we can now Read more

  6. Program Feasibility | Higher Education Case Study

    Background: A college in New York State partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) to understand and substantiate the need for a proposed Master’s program in a specific Liberal Arts track.  The market research aimed to analyze the occupational forecast to determine if it demonstrated significant need for the Master’s program and if that need for the Read more

  7. Market Research Feasibility Study | Consultant in Upstate NY

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS),  a market research consulting firm located in Upstate NY.  RMS is currently celebrating its 10th year in business. Let’s say you’re developing a new product, service, location or program. Before you delve too deeply, Read more

  8. What Sports Analytics and Market Research Have in Common

    A few days ago, the sixth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference was held in Boston. The officially stated goal of this conference is to “provide a forum for industry professionals (executives and leading researchers) and students to discuss the increasing role of analytics in the sports industry.” Unfortunately, I did not attend the conference, Read more

  9. Does Your Business Avoid Market Research? | The Glass is 50% Full

    Businesses across the world use third-party market research firms to provide them with objectivity of results, among other benefits. However, even businesses that are equipped to do a project in-house are still forced to look outside of the organization in order to gain an unbiased perspective. Think in terms of employees evaluating their own company’s television Read more

  10. Margin of Error and Cost Trade-off in Survey Research | Why 400?

    This blog posts discusses the ROI of margin of error versus cost in telephone survey research. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Upstate NY.

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