Tag Archives: rfp

  1. How to Overcome These Four Common Grant Writing Roadblocks

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – This post will briefly focus on overcoming common roadblocks when working on a grant proposal. The most important takeaway is that much of the grant-writing work comes before you start writing. Keeping templates, data, and all the necessary information for a submission at hand is Read more

  2. 4 Tips for Writing a Market Research RFP

    A while back, we came across this video about writing a market research RFP: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh7U04rzz8M] Obviously, the video presents a worst-case scenario for comic effect, but frankly every point on there rang true with us and is something we had already encountered or might encounter in the future. The reason for this, we think, is NOT (as Read more

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