The Syracuse Chiefs Partner with RMS | Fan Experience Survey
The Syracuse Chiefs Are Using Mobile Surveys with RMS to Find Out More About Their Fans in 2014
For the 2014 season, the Syracuse Chiefs partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) to conduct a fan experience (FX) survey. The online and mobile survey is aimed to gather opinions from its fans regarding their experience at Syracuse Chiefs baseball games. Main objectives of the market research were to profile fan demographics, understand satisfaction with different aspects of the experience, and obtain data to provide better insight into marketing decisions. Obtaining fan input is important to ensuring fan expectations are met and the data provides management with an opportunity to understand fan perceptions from a quantitative standpoint.

If you are going to a Syracuse Chiefs game in 2014, make sure to look for the hyperlink to take our Fan Experience Survey!
In order to obtain the desired information, RMS designed and managed an 8 question survey for fans attending Syracuse Chiefs home games. The survey link is publicized in program brochures and on posters throughout the stadium. Occasionally, stadium staff hands out survey tickets to fans to boost response rates as needed. Fans that opt to take the short survey have the opportunity to enter themselves into a drawing to win Chiefs merchandise given away after each new home stand. A raffle winner is chosen at random by RMS and passed to the Syracuse Chiefs.
RMS provides the Syracuse Chiefs with the following on a regular basis:
- Ratings for overall value of the fan experience (using a 1 to 5 scale)
- Ratings (using a 1 to 5 scale) for convenience of parking, quality of food and beverages, cleanliness of the facility, ease of finding your seat, customer service at concessions, and entertainment between innings.
- Reasons and key drivers for attending the game
- Awareness of Syracuse Chiefs advertising, marketing and promotions outside of the stadium.
- A typical fan profile including gender, age, ethnicity, and who the fan attends games with.
- Open-ended comments as typed by fans.
Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm located in Baldwinsville, NY. We specialize in telephone surveys, online surveys, and in mobile surveys as well as many other modes of both quantitative and qualitative research. If you are interested in conducting a similar Fan Experience (FX) Survey for your team contact our Business Development Director Sandy Baker at or by calling 1-866-567-5422.