Breaking Down the New CAHPS® for ACOs Survey
If you are looking to choose a CAHPS® for ACOs survey vendor, your healthcare organization has until September 22nd, 2014 to do so. Recently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services granted full approval to 16 CAHPS for ACOs survey vendors across the country in which Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is named. If you have any questions about the CAHPS® for ACOs process, selection of vendors, and how this new initiative impacts your accountable care organization, please contact Sandy Baker at

The goal of an ACO and coordinated care is to ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors (Via
What are the important dates for CAHPS® for ACOs?
- August 25, 2014 – CMS granted full approval to RMS and 15 other vendors for the CAHPS® for ACOs survey
- September 22, 2014 – Deadline for ACOs to register with an approved CAHPS® for ACOs survey vendor
- November 13 through February 2, 2015 – Survey administration period
- 2016 – Official results reported by CMS to ACOs
What does the CAHPS® for ACOs process look like?
- CMS selects a random sample of 860 patients
- The survey is 81 questions in length
- 12 patient experience of care measures
- Mixed-mode only (mail and phone)
- Pre-notification letter will be sent
- Two survey mailings
- Up to 6 follow-up calls to complete survey
What are the topics of the CAHPS® for ACOs surveys?
- Getting timely care
- Provider communication
- Rating of provider
- Access to specialists
- Health promotion and education
- Shared decision-making
- Health status and functional status
- Courteous and helpful office staff
- Care coordination
- Between visit communication
- Education of medication adherence
- Stewardship of patient resources
What other complimentary healthcare services does RMS offer for ACOs?
- Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition (PCMH)
- Pay for Performance (P4P) Program Optimization
- Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
- HIPAA Compliance Training
- Practice Assessment and Management
- Patient Satisfaction Surveys (CAHPS®)
Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a healthcare market research firm and approved CAHPS® survey vendor. Our corporate offices are located in Syracuse, NY but our healthcare clients span as far as Guam. For more information about RMS Healthcare visit our website by clicking here. For more information about CAHPS® on this blog, click here.