This Bunker Blog post talks about how mail surveys, (a thing of the past to some market researchers) can and are still effective for market research. The Bunker gives 7 reasons as to why this is the case.
Tag Archives: Customer Satisfaction
7 Reasons to Choose Mail Surveys | Market Research in Central NY
Market Research in Syracuse NY | Case Study 1
Case Study 1: RMS discusses our market research with a major hospital to assist them with their marketing and advertising efforts.
Strengthen Your Organization with Employee Surveys | Syracuse, NY
Looking for some tips on topics to cover in your employee survey? Thinking about doing employee satisfaction surveys? You already see the value in it, so you’re on the right track. Here is a blog post on why you should use a third-party like RMS to administer it.
Customer Satisfaction Hangs on a Phone Call | Syracuse NY
This article gives an overview of the major impact telephone experiences has on customer satisfaction and how RMS detailed similar findings in other market research projects.
The Value of Customer Satisfaction Research
This article discusses the value of customer satisfaction research. Some of the most important value in customer satisfaction research is the survey tool you are using in itself. Asking your customers for feedback on you lets them know ‘you’re listening.’
Facing Up to Unflattering Research Findings | Market Research
Negative feedback or results from a market research study is tough to come to terms with, but clients should embrace and act on this information rather than ignore it.
Patient Satisfaction Surveying | Market Research
(From Multiple survey instruments assessing organizational performance in a range of areas will have a far greater impact on improving a hospital’s level of service quality than a patient satisfaction survey alone.