Tag Archives: program evaluation

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  1. How to Overcome These Four Common Grant Writing Roadblocks

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – This post will briefly focus on overcoming common roadblocks when working on a grant proposal. The most important takeaway is that much of the grant-writing work comes before you start writing. Keeping templates, data, and all the necessary information for a submission at hand is Read more

  2. The Key to a Successful Program Evaluation: Developing Your Logic Model – Part 2 of 2

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics One of the most popular blog posts on the RMS site describes the differences between qualitative and quantitative research. What if I told you there was a third approach to research? Mixed methods is a common approach in the program evaluation world to leverage the benefits Read more

  3. The Key to a Successful Program Evaluation: Developing Your Logic Model – Part 1 of 2

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics Program Evaluation and market research are closely related, some might call them second cousins. Perhaps a better analogy is that they could be siblings, where market research is the rambunctious middle child and program evaluation is the rule-following first child. Working in both fields, there is Read more

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