Category Archives: Market Research Tips

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  1. Website Usability Research | Heat Maps & In-Depth Interviews

    As we all know, websites are an extremely important component to both the marketing and operations for any given company.  At this point having a website is unlikely to be a competitive advantage for most industries, but ensuring that your web presence is thoroughly optimized for its visitors may very well be.  Through secondary research we know Read more

  2. Market Research Trend (Part 2): Are Panels Worth It?

    For general quantitative research with a large scope, how likely are you to recommend online panel research to your clients and why or why not? I would definitely recommend the use of an online research panel for a large scope quantitative research study.  However, the scope of the research truly needs to be large. Online Read more

  3. Four Marketing Tips to Help Boost Sales | Market Research Firm

    This article was featured in the latest edition of RMS News, written by Mark Dengler, President and CEO of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) in Baldwinsville, NY. We’re midway through the year – how’s your marketing plan working? The summer months are a time to re-charge. Often, this means re-examining and modifying your company’s marketing Read more

  4. Market Research Trends | Declining Survey Response Rates

    I recently watched a webinar published by Snap Surveys, which was part of their 2013 Summer Camp series of training events available online. This particular presentation was developed by Steve Bax, managing director at Bax Interaction Limited. The title of his webinar was “Designing engaging questionnaires to deliver high response rates,” which, based on the Read more

  5. Product Testing & Usability Research | Case Study

    Objectives: A global office furniture company partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to gather feedback on  final design concepts relative to competitive task chairs and internal options, and to validate the design direction, feature set and product positioning for new seating. In addition to the main objective, the market research also covered topical areas such as the decision-making Read more

  6. How to Choose a Market Research Call Center? | 5 Factors to Consider

    This article was recently featured in the April 2013 edition of Quirk’s Marketing Research Review. You can find the full article on – ID 20090416. Thoroughbred Research Group and DataPrompt International assisted Quirk’s in authoring this article. The article discusses questions you should ask when selecting a telephone facility for your market research survey or recruiting Read more

  7. How to Assess a Company's Brand Equity? | Use a Telephone Survey

    A common project that we often field for our clients here at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a brand equity survey, which is often called an image and awareness survey. Many businesses find it easier to survey their own customers because they have customer samples available (phone numbers, emails, etc.) but it’s often difficult Read more

  8. Consumerology Takeaways | The Psychology of Shopping

    Traditional market research (think surveys, focus groups) often gets a bad rap from some because of its assumed limitations. Usually the argument against traditional research begins with (1) its unreliability because consumers are being asked about purchases in an artificial environment (home, office, wherever they answer their cell phone) and (2) the survey is asking them to recall specifics about purchases Read more

  9. 5 Tips to Boost Your Mail Survey Response Rate

    Our team here at RMS constantly has some sort of mail survey in the field. In the last few weeks, we feel like we’ve begun quite a few more projects that include a mail survey component. Mail surveys can be a great way to solicit feedback from your customers. They are great for reaching audiences Read more

  10. How Important is Market Research?

    I came across a video the other day in my Twitter feed for #SmallBiz, which answered the question: “How important is market research?” The video was featured in the Small Business 911 show on MSNBC. In it, Stella Grizont, founder of Woopaah, discusses the positive impacts market research can have on a small business. “If Read more

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