Tag Archives: Call Center in Syracuse NY

  1. Robots Need Not Apply | Call Center Upstate NY

    This is a blog posts that discusses the importance of good quality callers in our call center in Upstate NY. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a full-service market research firm and call center in Upstate NY.

  2. 4 Benefits of Phone Surveys | Call Center in Syracuse, NY

    We all know how important it is to keep in touch with your customer-base in order to make sure they are satisfied, to understand them better, to test interest of new ideas, and so on.  When conducting market research, there are quite a few advantages telephone surveying will provide over other methodologies (such as web surveys or mail surveys).  Read more

  3. Market Research Call Centers | Quality Should Always Trump Quantity

    Data quality – we here in the Bunker are fanatics about it. Without data quality control, the results of a 1,000-complete telephone survey becomes nothing more than noise. Worse still, it is noise that might serve as the basis for a costly decision for people who trust the erroneous findings. There are a number of Read more

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