Tag Archives: Customer Satisfaction

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Four Customer Satisfaction Research Tips | Generating Actionable Feedback

    The main reason for conducting customer satisfaction research is to improve your customers’ overall experience with your organization.  It is imperative that the research process lends itself to helping management make informed changes that will ultimately advance the process.  The research should not only be used as a safeguard against issues that might arise, but Read more

  2. RMS Newsletter Article: Measuring Customer Experience

    This article is taken from the October 2011 edition of the RMS Newsletter. Customers have always been the backbone of any successful business. Therefore, it makes sense that a business should ensure its customers’ happiness. After all, happy customers supply repeat business, greater opportunities for cross and up-selling, word of mouth recommendations, as well as Read more

  3. 4 Benefits of Phone Surveys | Call Center in Syracuse, NY

    We all know how important it is to keep in touch with your customer-base in order to make sure they are satisfied, to understand them better, to test interest of new ideas, and so on.  When conducting market research, there are quite a few advantages telephone surveying will provide over other methodologies (such as web surveys or mail surveys).  Read more

  4. The Impact of Consumer Reviews | Customer Satisfaction Research

    Consumer opinion – we all know how important it is, but how much weight does it carry when we compare it to things like advertising and other forms of direct marketing?  The answer is: a lot.  A detailed report by Alterian titled “Your Brand: At Risk or Ready for Growth” shows that only 6 percent of U.S. consumers Read more

  5. 4 Reasons To Choose Customer Satisfaction Surveys

    Customer satisfaction research is one of the most basic forms of market research.  It’s a course of research that virtually all businesses have considered, and in a lot of cases implemented.  Customer satisfaction surveying is a linchpin in process improvement, offers a portal to customer feedback, and is used to evaluate products and services.  Yet there are many Read more

  6. Build Customer Loyalty, Value and Retention Through Market Research

    The Bunker discusses customer loyalty and why you should measure it with market research. Satisfied customers are more loyal, they buy more frequently, they are less price sensitive, and they offer good word of mouth. If you choose to do any market research whatsoever, choose to at least measure your customer satisfaction.

  7. RMS Scale Week 2010 | Constant Sum Scaling – Market Research

    Constant Sum Scaling is a method used to organize and sort a variety of options. The respondent is presented with a few options and given a number of points to allocate to each option to create a comparative importance for each option.

  8. Why You Should Choose RMS for Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys | Approved CMS HCAHPS® Vendor

    This blog post discusses why RMS Healthcare continually outpeforms competitors in regards to response rates of HCAHPS. RMS is an approved HCAHPS vendor located outside of Syracuse, NY.

  9. Market Research for Small Businesses | Northern NY

    Market research can answer many, if not all questions that a business owner has. There is an endless amount of market research that can help small and mid-size businesses. Here are some important things to keep in mind if you are part of a small or mid-size business (or starting a business) and you are considering market research.

  10. 7 Reasons to Choose Mail Surveys | Market Research in Central NY

    This Bunker Blog post talks about how mail surveys, (a thing of the past to some market researchers) can and are still effective for market research. The Bunker gives 7 reasons as to why this is the case.

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