Tag Archives: Focus Group Facility

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Image and Awareness Focus Groups—Case Study

    This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS).  Background: An advertising firm partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct image and awareness focus groups for their client, an international quick service restaurant. The end-client wanted to better understand consumer perceptions of the restaurant’s menu, Read more

  2. Tips for Conducting a Successful Focus Group – Part 2

    This is Part 2 of our series on successful focus group implementation. Review Part 1 tips here. Moderating Approach The skill of the moderator can make or break the focus group. It’s best to hire a professional who has experience managing the dynamics of a focus group. It’s not uncommon for discussions to go off Read more

  3. Tips for Conducting a Successful Focus Group – Part 1

    Focus groups are an insightful research option for businesses embarking on the exploratory phase of a project. Implementation of a focus group requires a moderator with the skill necessary to obtain rich data that will allow the client to take the next step in their project. Below are tips for conducting a successful focus group. Read more

  4. QualiSight Facility | Focus Groups Syracuse, NY

    Things continue to remain busy at our in-house focus group facility in Syracuse, NY. In the calendar year of 2012, QualiSight  hosted a number of focus group, in-depth interview (IDI) and call center projects. Projects covered a number of different industries including retail, higher education, healthcare and financial services to name a few. What is Read more

  5. QualiSight | Focus Group Facility in Upstate, NY

    Trying to locate a focus group facility in Upstate, NY? The RMS facility named QualiSight is located in Baldwinsville, just outside the heart of Syracuse, NY.  2010 wrapped up a busy year for QualiSight. We had clients visiting our facility from all over the country.  A few of our clients came from Columbus (OH), Waltham (MA), Fort Worth (TX), Read more

  6. Focus Groups in TV Commercials

    Those of us here in Bunker, always on the lookout for anything research-related, have taken note of a trend in television commercials. It seems that many commercials now feature focus groups as a setting. In some cases, the focus groups are fictional, as in these lighthearted spots for Pepsi Max and Snickers: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfmXYmoCElY] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e0Gsn4khss] In Read more

  7. Quotas and Qualitative Research | Focus Group Facility in Syracuse, NY

    The RMS Bunker Blog takes a closer look at qualitative research and often requested quotas in recruiting. In the end, qualitative research is a way to explore topics, not something that should be scientifically broken down into sub-segments.

  8. Focus Group Facility in Upstate New York | Using Focus Groups to Conduct Exploratory Research

    Chris examines how focus groups are used for exploratory purposes. He offers 6 reasons how focus group research can answer questions you might have about your business or your customers. Exploratory and qualitative research is a good first step when engaging a market research firm.

  9. 6 Recruitment Tips | Focus Group Facility in Upstate, NY

    This blog post discusses several tips about recruiting for qualitative market research projects. The same tips we utilize at our QualiSight Focus Group Facility in Upstate, NY.

  10. Focus Group Moderator Tips to Handle 7 Unique Personalities

    This blog post discusses several tips that a focus group moderator can use to handle different types of participants.

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