The Research Bunker

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. 3 Takeaways from a Data Security and Privacy Webinar

    Last Thursday I attended a webinar hosted by Quirks Marketing Research Review in conjunction with Radius Global. The title of the webinar was Data Security and Privacy: The Opportunity to Differentiate Your Brand With Today’s Consumers. Much of the discussion centered around the importance of data security and privacy of information among consumers and where it Read more

  2. ICH CAHPS® Approved Vendor | RMS Healthcare

    After an intensive application process, Baldwinsville based Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) has received approval as a survey vendor for the 2014 In-Center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey. (ICH CAHPS®). The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) granted RMS as an ICH CAHPS® approved vendor this week. “We are happy Read more

  3. The Inseparability of Services | Marketing Concepts

    In addition to working as an analyst at RMS, I am an adjunct faculty member at the SUNY Oswego School of Business. This semester, I am teaching a section of a course called Marketing Principles. One great thing about teaching an introductory course is that it requires me to think a lot about the basics Read more

  4. 6 Key Takeaways | State of Bank and Credit Union Marketing Report

    Each year, the Financial Brand produces a comprehensive report on the landscape of banks and credit unions across the globe with the assistance of Aite’s Senior Analyst Ron Shevlin. As a market research firm that specializes on insights for the financial sector, our Analytics team always looks forward to the yearly release date for the Read more

  5. Is Big Data Overwhelming You? Use Small Data

    First the big hype was all about “Big Data” but now there is some buzz generating for “Small Data”.  The concept of big data has caused strain at many companies as they realize their databases lack both the size and sophistication necessary to analyze large amounts of data and produce actionable next steps.  Ultimately, utilizing Read more

  6. 7 Areas to Consider When Developing a Research Panel

    We’ve touched on a variety of market research panel topics on the company blog over the years. Online panels are growing for a variety of factors including a decline in landline telephone usage and a desire for paying clients to obtain quality market research that is inexpensive and timely. If you deal with market research at any Read more

  7. RMS Unveils Its New Marketing Look and Design

    Recently, Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) unveiled its new marketing folder giving our company a new look and design. What exactly is the new look and design? Check out the images below: The inside cover features an ‘About RMS’ section. RMS is a full-service market research firm. We specialize in providing strategically-sound solutions to the Read more

  8. What is NAICS?

    The United States Census Bureau states NAICS is the North American Industry Classification System and this classification system is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. In 1997 it officially replaced the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Read more

  9. Higher Education Trends: Rethinking MOOCs

    Over the past year or so, The Research Bunker Blog has been tracking the development of massive online open courses (MOOCs) and their impact on higher education. Much has been written about the ups and downs of the course format during that time, and the future at this point is still very uncertain. In the Read more

  10. 3 Client Frustrations with Market Research Vendors

    Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research vendor in Syracuse, NY. Our company strives to mitigate any predisposed client frustrations they might have with market research. Many of our clients come to us with past experience with other market research vendors and they tell our team that we are better than the rest. Read more

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