RMS Blog

  1. How Many People Do We Survey? | Market Research Firm Upstate NY

    One of the more common questions in market research is “How many people do we survey?” Those who have not spent a lot of time working with surveys are not sure what the difference is between collecting 100 completes in comparison to 1,000 completes. I am sure they understand the inherent concept that 1,000 completes Read more

  2. What is the In-Center Hemodialysis (ICH CAHPS®) Survey? | Vendor in NY

    If you came across this blog post, perhaps you are wondering: What is the in-center hemodialysis ICH CAHPS® survey? When does the ICH CAHPS® survey start? How do I get started with a vendor for the ICH CAHPS® survey? If you are looking for answers to any of these questions or other questions about this Read more

  3. Why You Should Choose RMS as Your ICH CAHPS® Survey Vendor

    The in-center hemodialysis (ICH CAHPS®) survey process is designed to evaluate the patients’ experiences for dialysis care.  The goal of this new initiative is to create evaluation scores that can be used to compare facilities to other facilities in the region, state, and across the country.  By undertaking this effort, a facility will ultimately aid Read more

  4. Graph Fail | Vertical 3D Pyramids

    As part of our continuing series to critique a selection of graphs and charts, we have selected this wonderful pyramid column chart, based on an actual graph we saw in a real report prepared by another firm we are too polite to name.  The Bunker takes a lot of pride in reporting and data visualization, and Read more

  5. Need a CAHPS® Surveying Vendor for ICH Facilities? | RMS is NRAA Preferred

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger, Megan O’Donnell, Manager of RMS Healthcare. The healthcare team at Research & Marketing Strategies is expanding its complement of survey administration of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) to include the newly-required In-Center Hemodialysis (ICH) CAHPS® survey.  This new survey is added to the company’s Read more

  6. How to Improve Advertising in 5 Steps Using Market Research

    One of the most common requests Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) receives from clients is related to marketing or advertising campaigns.  They are unhappy with the results of their current campaign, don’t know the return of their advertising (ROI), or they want to head in a different direction. It’s surprising the number of marketing campaigns Read more

  7. Does Happier Staff Equal Happier Patients? | Healthcare Market Research

    This blog post was written by our new guest blogger Michele Treinin, Healthcare Analyst of the Healthcare team at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). Medical offices are constantly under the pressure to meet the needs of patients, not only to provide excellent healthcare but to also satisfy the patient from every aspect of their experience. Read more

  8. Mystery Shopping at Banks and Credit Unions | Case Study

    Background: A local credit union in Upstate NY partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to better understand the customer experience at all of its branch locations. The credit union wanted to use mystery shopping services to learn unbiased perceptions regarding services. Specific objectives of the market research were to evaluate the customer experience based Read more

  9. RMS Bunker Blog Reaches 100,000 Hits | Market Research Blog

    Thank you to all of our subscribers, regular readers, and new readers who come across our market research blog on a daily basis.  We are glad to be a continued source of information for the market research industry and our clients’ industries of focus.  If you haven’t already, we’d like to hear a little bit Read more

  10. RMS is Featured in The New York Times with ABC Creative Group

    Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) recently teamed up with ABC Creative Group in Syracuse and the Fireman’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) to conduct market research to assist both groups with better volunteer recruiting for the organization.  Focus groups were customized to address the following objectives for ABC Creative and FASNY: (1) analyze Read more

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