The Research Bunker

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Selecting Your HCAHPS® or HHCAHPS® Approved Survey Vendor

    Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm and a CMS approved HCAHPS® and HH-CAHPS® Survey vendor. As of April 30th, 2010 there were only 41 approved organizations in the country (as listed on the CMS Website of Approved HCAHPS® vendors).  Benefits of Using RMS Healthcare as your Vendor Have you worked with other large national Read more

  2. How Respondent Anonymity Impacts Feedback and Market Research

    Market research and, ultimately, the success of a business both rely greatly on receiving honest feedback from customers.  If you were always told what you wanted to hear and that you were doing the right thing, rather than the truth, where would you be now?  Where would businesses be right now?  While this general question Read more

  3. Hidden & Overlooked Market Research Findings

    Ever had issues like these – projects riddled with poor response rates; screeners that disqualify nearly all potential respondents; respondents wondering why they are being contacted about something they are supposed to be familiar with?  Most likely anybody that has worked in market research has had some sort of experience with issues like this.   In Read more

  4. Syracuse, NY: A Great Test Market

    Syracuse, NY has enjoyed a long history as one of the nation’s top test markets. The metropolitan area’s use by marketers as proving ground of eventual product success or failure has been well documented for decades. Products both famous and obscure, ranging from ice cream to alcoholic beverages to baby carrots have been tested in Syracuse Read more

  5. Practice Transformation Through Quality Assurance | NCQA

    This post was written by our Guest Blogger Susan Maxsween who is our Healthcare Transformation Manager at RMS. Nationally, healthcare delivery is undergoing significant change and reform.  Locally, individual practices are being asked to join this movement, with the expectation of creating  more effective provider communities that: Engages the patient, as a whole person, in Read more

  6. QualiSight | Focus Group Facility in Upstate, NY

    Trying to locate a focus group facility in Upstate, NY? The RMS facility named QualiSight is located in Baldwinsville, just outside the heart of Syracuse, NY.  2010 wrapped up a busy year for QualiSight. We had clients visiting our facility from all over the country.  A few of our clients came from Columbus (OH), Waltham (MA), Fort Worth (TX), Read more

  7. Focus Groups in TV Commercials

    Those of us here in Bunker, always on the lookout for anything research-related, have taken note of a trend in television commercials. It seems that many commercials now feature focus groups as a setting. In some cases, the focus groups are fictional, as in these lighthearted spots for Pepsi Max and Snickers: [youtube=] [youtube=] In Read more

  8. Choosing the Right Market Research Vendor

    Many clients have their own market research department in-house, while others have gone through the process of selecting a market research supplier.  Depending on whether you are looking for a long-term retainer firm who works as your consultant or a short-term one project supplier, the process is usually the same.  You have to select a Read more

  9. Market Research and Non-Probabilistic Sampling Methods

    As a follow up to yesterday’s post on probability samples, I will be going over non-probability samples.   These methods don’t provide the same level of fair representation, but certainly serve their own purpose in the market research industry.  These types of samples lend themselves to preliminary forms of research, removing the need for them to Read more

  10. Market Research and Probabilistic Sampling Methods

    There are many types of sampling methods available in a market researcher’s toolbox.  Each method has its pros and cons.  Some methods, much more so than others, are suitable for specific types of marketing research.  Some sampling methods are truly random in that each member of the specific population has an equal chance of being Read more

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