Category Archives: Healthcare

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Patient Experience Measurements | H CAHPS® Consultant

    This post was written by our guest blogger, Megan O’Donnell, Manager of RMS Healthcare. This is an interesting article on the recent implications of the recently instituted Value-Based Purchasing program from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). But I think the author misleads the reader initially by making it sound like hospitals will Read more

  2. ICH CAHPS Survey Vendor | Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS)

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Michele Treinin, a Healthcare Analyst at RMS. Are you a Dialysis Center in need of conducting the ICH-CAHPS® survey? There is still time to choose a vendor to complete the process for you even though the end of the year is quickly approaching. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a Read more

  3. RMS Healthcare Fall 2012 Newsletter

    We are pleased to share the Fall 2012 Edition of the Quality Care Courier, a publication of Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. We hope you find the information timely and valuable. To read the online version of the Fall 2012 RMS Healthcare Newsletter, click here. RMS Healthcare provides a broad scope of healthcare consultative services. We Read more

  4. Key Drivers to Patient Satisfaction | CAHPS® Survey Vendor

    This post was written by our guest blogger Michele Treinin, a Healthcare Analyst at RMS. In a time when consumers are very price sensitive and the economy is fragile, there is no surprise that companies are trying to win loyalty by offering deals and incentives and providing impeccable service to keep them coming back but Read more

  5. Act on Your Patient's Experience | Healthcare Market Research Firm NY

    This article was featured in the latest edition of the RMS Healthcare Newsletter, The Quality Care Courier in September of 2012. As a practice committed to ensuring your patients overall satisfaction with their experience, you want to obtain valuable and timely feedback. The next step is determining what to do with the data? Second to Read more

  6. Team Huddles | Important Tool to Build a PCMH

    This article will be featured in the Fall edition of the RMS Quality Care Courier. Building and teaching the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) concept model requires tools and infrastructure. A good place to start is with the team huddle, which is a platform for team building, communication and process improvement. Team huddles should utilize Read more

  7. Managing Through a Dashboard | Healthcare Consultant Upstate NY

    This article will be featured in the Fall edition of the RMS Quality Care Courier. With today’s busy practice activities and competing priorities, it is very important that practice administrators keep a careful eye on the key attributes tied to business operations. After all, in order to continue to deliver quality healthcare to patients, the Read more

  8. 4 Home Health Industry Trends | Healthcare News

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Michele Treinin, Healthcare Analyst at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) – a HH-CAHPS® vendor located in New York State. As healthcare evolves, the trends that have begun to emerge don’t point to a prosperous future in the Home Health Industry. From the lack of qualified applicants Read more

  9. Improving HCAHPS® Scores at Hospitals | CAHPS® Survey Vendor

    Background: RMS partnered with a local hospital to conduct qualitative focus group research among recently discharged patients to obtain feedback and perceptions around their recent hospital experience. In particular, the research focused on the thought process and behaviors linking the types of individual attributes reported in the HCAHPS® survey to the patient’s overall satisfaction, quality Read more

  10. Employee Satisfaction Survey—Case Study

    Background: For this study, RMS was engaged to conduct a survey among a healthcare facility’s employees to obtain primary research information regarding its employees’ satisfaction, loyalty and unmet needs. The objectives of the market research included measuring employee perception and satisfaction around several changes regarding policy and scheduling. The client also wanted to identify areas of dissatisfaction Read more

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