Category Archives: Market Research Tips

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Are my Customers Satisfied? | 5 Steps to Find out Using Market Research

    One of the most common uses of market research and surveys is for customer satisfaction or customer loyalty research. It’s often the type of project that new clients to Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) will “dip their toes” into to test the value and ROI of market research. Using market research to find out if Read more

  2. Five Things in a Market Research Report Worth Noting

    Working in the market research field, the Bunker comes across many different reports provided to us by our clients. In most cases, these are past reports they commissioned with a separate vendor and have since made the wise decision to partner with Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) on their upcoming study. We’ve said time and time Read more

  3. Career in Market Research | Human Resources

    If you came across this blog post and you are thinking about a career in market research, the Bunker thinks you are making a wise choice. A career in market research offers you a good blend of marketing, statistics and consulting. If you work on the supplier side, chances are you’ll be able to dip Read more

  4. 10 Tips to Improve Strategic Planning for Your Business

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS), a strategic planning consulting firm in Upstate, NY. With the close of the second quarter of 2012, now is a good time to review where you are with accomplishing your goals and objectives in your Read more

  5. How Many People Do We Survey? | Market Research Firm Upstate NY

    One of the more common questions in market research is “How many people do we survey?” Those who have not spent a lot of time working with surveys are not sure what the difference is between collecting 100 completes in comparison to 1,000 completes. I am sure they understand the inherent concept that 1,000 completes Read more

  6. How to Improve Advertising in 5 Steps Using Market Research

    One of the most common requests Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) receives from clients is related to marketing or advertising campaigns.  They are unhappy with the results of their current campaign, don’t know the return of their advertising (ROI), or they want to head in a different direction. It’s surprising the number of marketing campaigns Read more

  7. Market Research Scams | Don't Be Fooled

    Last week our Communications Coordinator at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) informed us of her recent dealings with a supposed market research company who requested her services.  She received a phone call and email requesting her participation in mystery shopping.  Working as part of a market research firm, she immediately had her guard up and knew Read more

  8. 7 Hidden Easter Eggs in Market Research Proposals

    A market research proposal is something that Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS)  deals with on a daily basis.  Market research proposals are either created in response to a specific RFP process or requested directly from a prospective client.  Because many of our clients we work with in the healthcare, higher education, and the financial industries Read more

  9. The Benefits of Developing a Customer Panel | Market Research

    Research panels are becoming increasingly important for data collection in market research. Access to research participants is becoming more limited and segmented (mainly due to the phasing out of the landline telephone due to younger generations, and their wide Internet adoption). Research panels help provide a way around these issues, while also serving many other Read more

  10. Car Dealerships and Market Research | A Perfect Match?

    This blog post quickly discusses some different market research options for car dealerships such as market studies, mystery shopping, and site selection studies. RMS is a market research company located in Upstate NY.

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