The truth is, you are completely capable of conducting your own market research in-house. For example, if you have questions regarding your company’s image, products or services, you could create a survey and email the survey to your current client list requesting they participate. If you are curious about a new product or service you Read more
Tag Archives: Customer Satisfaction Survey
5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Market Research Firm Instead of Conducting Market Research In-House
Member Preferences Research—Case Study
This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). A local casino recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct member preferences research. The casino wanted to better understand its members perception of the brand, member benefits, identify casino member reward preferences, and Read more
Transportation Client Satisfaction—Case Study
This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: A school transportation organization recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct sales strategy research. The client wanted to better understand customer satisfaction and perception of services provided by the organization. The market research Read more
Dodge the Dog Daze of Summer
The following post was written by Mark Dengler, President at RMS. As summer starts to wind down, I trust that folks are enjoying the sunny and hot weather. However, don’t be fooled by these hazy days. Companies can’t afford to be lazy. Summer is actually an excellent time to work on relationship marketing strategies with existing Read more
Customer Satisfaction Research Case Study
This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct a study regarding its current satisfaction, loyalty, image, and needs among customers. The client wanted to better understand key drivers of customer satisfaction Read more
It's Not Enough to Have Satisfied Customers
This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). Marketing is an ongoing effort within an organization. In our current economy, marketing innovation often trumps product/service technical innovation. What makes it tricky is the fickleness of consumers. In this world of rapid change and the continual need Read more
Question Order Bias in Customer Satisfaction Surveys | Syracuse, NY
Most people know that the wording of a question on a survey can have an impact on the way respondents answer it. A less obvious, but potentially significant source of bias is the point in the survey instrument at which a question is asked. A good example of this issue is the problem of when Read more
RMS Newsletter Article: Measuring Customer Experience
This article is taken from the October 2011 edition of the RMS Newsletter. Customers have always been the backbone of any successful business. Therefore, it makes sense that a business should ensure its customers’ happiness. After all, happy customers supply repeat business, greater opportunities for cross and up-selling, word of mouth recommendations, as well as Read more
Do We Need Market Research? | Ask RMS
All businesses engage in some form of market research. Market research comes in all forms – both formal and informal. One example of formalized market research would be a Fortune 50 company like Johnson & Johnson conducting a series of 16 different focus groups across the country to test three new varieties of Listerine, followed by Read more