This post is the second in a new series on the Bunker Blog. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is featuring some select charts and graphs that we come across in our daily routines that we believe represent failures in data visualization. As always, we have reconstructed these graphing disasters and generalized the titles and labels Read more
RMS Blog
Graph Fail | 3D Columns
The Benefits of Developing a Customer Panel | Market Research
Research panels are becoming increasingly important for data collection in market research. Access to research participants is becoming more limited and segmented (mainly due to the phasing out of the landline telephone due to younger generations, and their wide Internet adoption). Research panels help provide a way around these issues, while also serving many other Read more
Market Research Feasibility Study | Consultant in Upstate NY
This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS), a market research consulting firm located in Upstate NY. RMS is currently celebrating its 10th year in business. Let’s say you’re developing a new product, service, location or program. Before you delve too deeply, Read more
Graph Fail | Motivators Pie Chart
As part of a new series on the Bunker Blog, Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) will feature some select charts and graphs that we come across in our daily routines. Data visualization is one of our strong interests here on the RMS Analytics team and we take a lot of pride in making our graphs Read more
Focus Group Facility Upstate NY | Video Blog Post 2
This is another RMS video blog post which speaks about our focus group facility in Upstate NY. QualiSight has been host to many clients all across the country from small businesses to large businesses. Our projects have ranged from package design testing, to taste testing, to concept testing, to a number of other customer and Read more
What Sports Analytics and Market Research Have in Common
A few days ago, the sixth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference was held in Boston. The officially stated goal of this conference is to “provide a forum for industry professionals (executives and leading researchers) and students to discuss the increasing role of analytics in the sports industry.” Unfortunately, I did not attend the conference, Read more
Does Your Business Avoid Market Research? | The Glass is 50% Full
Businesses across the world use third-party market research firms to provide them with objectivity of results, among other benefits. However, even businesses that are equipped to do a project in-house are still forced to look outside of the organization in order to gain an unbiased perspective. Think in terms of employees evaluating their own company’s television Read more
4 Tips for Mystery Shopping | Syracuse NY
This blog post discusses 4 tips for mystery shopping. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research company in Syracuse NY that offers mystery shopping services in several regions.
The National Do-Not-Call Registry | Market Research Company Upstate NY
This blog post explains why market research firms like Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) do not apply to the National Do Not Call Registry. RMS is a market research company in Upstate NY.
Margin of Error and Cost Trade-off in Survey Research | Why 400?
This blog posts discusses the ROI of margin of error versus cost in telephone survey research. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Upstate NY.