The Research Bunker

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Focus Groups & IDIs: Rich Sources of Information | Market Research

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, Owner & President of RMS. Wouldn’t it be great if we could read our customers’ minds? Well, the next best thing is to conduct qualitative market research. Focus groups and In-depth Interviews (IDIs) open a window to help us gain detailed and in-depth information about Read more

  2. Participant Fatigue | Focus Group Facility in Rochester NY Area

    We’ve all heard of the common term in market research called respondent fatigue.  This takes place in survey research when a respondent’s interest begins to wane and they lose focus in the survey.  Numerous studies have been done on this concept and appropriate measures are instituted in survey design to identify and prevent respondent fatigue.  Read more

  3. Demographic Analysis Should Be Part of Your Site Selection Decision

    Imagine you were going to going to open a business. Let’s say it’s a coffee shop that will try to attract college students and hip, young professionals. There’s an available retail space in a neighborhood that appears to have a lot of the target customers in it and the building looks nice enough. Is it Read more

  4. Social Media Assessment | Consultant in Syracuse, NY

    In today’s social media world of Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (to name a few) it can be easy for your business to fall behind.  With local businesses all across Central New York adding Facebook pages and blogs to their advertising campaign, it can often seem overwhelming at times.  We talk to a lot of businesses in the Syracuse area Read more

  5. 4 Benefits of Phone Surveys | Call Center in Syracuse, NY

    We all know how important it is to keep in touch with your customer-base in order to make sure they are satisfied, to understand them better, to test interest of new ideas, and so on.  When conducting market research, there are quite a few advantages telephone surveying will provide over other methodologies (such as web surveys or mail surveys).  Read more

  6. Domino’s Jumps the Shark

    On several occasions over the last year, we in the Bunker have commented upon the ongoing Domino’s Pizza advertising campaign with regard to its foundation in market research. First, we offered praise to Domino’s for their willingness to act upon unflattering market research findings. Then, we became a little concerned when their spots strained credibility Read more

  7. NCQA Recognition and PCMH 2011 | FAQs

    Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is your source for all of your NCQA and PCMH questions.  As part of our ongoing series of healthcare blog posts to educate our readers on new healthcare initiatives, today I took some time to conduct a short e-interview with Susan Maxsween, our Healthcare Transformation Manager at RMS.  Here is the Q&A: What Read more

  8. Benefits of Patient Satisfaction Surveying | Healthcare

    With every passing day in the healthcare industry, patient satisfaction surveying is proving to be more and more commonplace.  With the increased importance of quality initiatives and reimbursement in the marketplace, both physician practices and hospitals are able to attain a positive return on investment (ROI) with this market research.  Improving the quality of care Read more

  9. 7 Tips for Delivering Market Research Presentations

    For an analyst, some market research projects end when the final report goes out the door. But there are other occasions when researchers are called upon to cap off the project with an in-person presentation of the findings to a group. Such presentations are a great way to present the findings in a more accessible, Read more

  10. Market Research Reports | Which is Better: More or Less?

    As we’ve mentioned before, one of the more preferred tasks we are assigned in our role here in the Bunker at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is data analysis and reporting.  The day that the fieldwork wraps up for our online survey or telephone work is the time when we kick it in gear for Read more

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