The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer. As a CMS-approved CAHPS Survey provider and healthcare consulting research firm with over a decade of patient satisfaction surveying experience, it is our job and our goal as a survey vendor and consultant to provide our clients with the tools and Read more
Tag Archives: HCAHPS
These 3 Tactics Can Improve Your Patient Engagement & Overall Scores
The Most Important Things to Consider When Selecting Your Patient Satisfaction Firm
The following blog post was written by the RMS Business Development Team. With a large number of healthcare consulting & research firms out there, how do you go about selecting the best fit for your consultative needs? Whether it’s patient satisfaction surveys or health needs assessments you’re looking to conduct, partnering with a healthcare consulting Read more
3 Reasons You Should Really Take That Patient Satisfaction Survey
The following blog post was written by Christine Benn, Business Development Coordinator at RMS. In a world where we seem to be inundated with surveys (like receipt surveys and purchase experience emails), which ones are worth filling out? Believe it or not, your healthcare provider’s patient satisfaction survey is one survey that’s well worth your Read more
Patients Will Be Judging Your Facility. Are You Ready for That?
The following blog post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS. Do you know how to score high in health rating systems? Equally (if not more) important, do you know what to do when you don’t score high in health rating systems? In the December 2017 issue of Outpatient Surgery Read more
The Market Research Forecast for 2018
The following blog post was written by Mark Dengler, President & Owner of RMS. One of today’s popular business approaches is known as “agile management.” Under this business method there is a keen focus on short development cycles, continuous improvement, product scope flexibility and work team input. RMS continues to see our clients looking for Read more
What To Look for in a CAHPS Vendor
With patient-centered healthcare on the rise, CAHPS® surveys are more prevalent now than ever before. Being such an essential aspect of your organization’s success, how do you go about deciding which CMS-approved CAHPS vendor to partner with for your surveying? If you’re in the position of participating in any of the CAHPS surveys, here are Read more
Selecting Your HCAHPS® or HHCAHPS® Approved Survey Vendor
Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm and a CMS approved HCAHPS® and HH-CAHPS® Survey vendor. As of April 30th, 2010 there were only 41 approved organizations in the country (as listed on the CMS Website of Approved HCAHPS® vendors). Benefits of Using RMS Healthcare as your Vendor Have you worked with other large national Read more
Why You Should Choose RMS for Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys | Approved CMS HCAHPS® Vendor
This blog post discusses why RMS Healthcare continually outpeforms competitors in regards to response rates of HCAHPS. RMS is an approved HCAHPS vendor located outside of Syracuse, NY.
CMS HH-CAHPS® Survey Vendor in NY | Dry Run
Have any questions about CMS HH-CAHPS® dry run? Read this article to find out what the dry run is, how you get started and why you should use RMS as your approved HH-CAHPS® survey vendor in NY.
7 Reasons to Choose Mail Surveys | Market Research in Central NY
This Bunker Blog post talks about how mail surveys, (a thing of the past to some market researchers) can and are still effective for market research. The Bunker gives 7 reasons as to why this is the case.