Tag Archives: Market Research Syracuse NY

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Our Top 10 Market Research Trends for 2012 | Part 1

    This is a blog post written by Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) which discusses 10 trends that will likely have an impact on RMS and/or its clients in 2012.

  2. 3 Good Questions to Ask at a Kickoff Meeting | Market Research

    Market research projects stand a better chance of success when you get off on the right foot. That’s why the Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) Analytics team and other divisions at RMS make it standard to do some level of project kickoff meeting prior to the market research. This kickoff meeting can be handled over Read more

  3. What is the Difference Between a Poll and a Survey?

    Polls are constantly in the news these days. You can rarely scan the day’s headlines without finding a reference to the President’s approval rating, or the results of some other news poll about a current issue. And, of course, sports and entertainment websites are littered with unscientific reader polls, that usually consist of a single question Read more

  4. Do We Need Market Research? | Ask RMS

    All businesses engage in some form of market research.  Market research comes in all forms – both formal and informal.  One example of formalized market research would be a Fortune 50 company like Johnson & Johnson conducting a series of 16 different focus groups across the country to test three new varieties of Listerine, followed by Read more

  5. The Bunker Ad Critic | Market Research for Advertising

    I’ve long believed that a lot of people who work in the broad range of marketing fields are frustrated, would-be advertising copywriters. I certainly am. When I was in graduate school, I envisioned myself moving on to an advertising career, being one of the people responsible for clever and funny television commercials. It didn’t quite Read more

  6. Musings from Mobile Research Participants | Survey Tips

    As mobile research continues to gain a broader appeal and acceptance in the market research field, it also forces the industry to revisit how surveys are written.  Not that they were ever overwhelmingly popular to begin with but many firms are choosing or have already chosen to do away with mail/paper surveys in favor of online Read more

  7. Shopper Insights | What Goes Into a Buyer’s Decision?

    One of the major challenges companies face is gaining an understanding of what drives a consumer to make a particular purchase.  Taking the necessary steps through market research to better understand shopper insights is one of the most important things a growing company (or any company for that matter) can do.  Ultimately the shopper’s decision Read more

  8. A Closer Look at Non-Responders | Market Research

    Response rates are a commonly explored theme in market research today.  This is especially the case with online surveys where a lot of times it’s counterproductive to put in additional time hounding respondents to complete your survey.  There are few exceptions, but in most cases the vast majority of your online survey completes will come with Read more

  9. Choosing Between Phone and Web Methodologies | Why Not Both?

    I recently read an article in the May 2011 edition of Quirks, which is titled “Marrying Phone and Web” by Tom Donnelly – click here to read it.  The theme of the article is why web-assisted TDIs (tele-depth interviews) are a cost-effective qualitative methodology.  Methodologies like online bulletin boards, virtual focus groups and video chat Read more

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