Tag Archives: Market Research

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. 7 Questions to Consider Regarding Survey Response Rates

    At RMS, we are frequently asked by our clients what kind of response rate they can expect from their survey research, or after the fact, if the survey response they did receive was “good.” Usually, the most honest answer we can give to those questions is “It depends.” The truth is that survey response rates are Read more

  2. 4 Things the 2010 New York Giants Can Teach us About Market Research | NFL

    We here in the research bunker discuss a fair amount of football in our downtime and during our lunch breaks.  So, with the NFL Playoffs just around the corner, we figured we would use today to take an interest of ours and craft a blog post out of it – by relating it to market Read more

  3. Making Decisions About Market Research | New York State

    From our guest blogger Kim Cuccaro, former Business Development Specialist at RMS. Everyone is familiar with the Nike® slogan “Just Do It”.  A lot can also be said for making a decision and going through with it.  Oftentimes businesses fail to find common ground between slapdash decision-making and a lengthier drawn out decision-making process. I commonly see Read more

  4. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

    This post was written by our Guest Blogger Mark Dengler who is President here at Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). When doing market research, businesses often wonder whether they should conduct qualitative or quantitative research. Qualitative research is used to explore and understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior and interactions. It generates non-numerical data – Read more

  5. Mystery Shopping & Secret Shopping | Syracuse, NY

    George from the RMS Research Bunker summarizes mystery shopping/secret shopping services, if your business can use it, and what you can learn from it.

  6. Senior Living Market Assessments and the Role of Consumer-Driven Research

    Our guest blogger Brian discusses Senior Living Market Assessments and the Role in Consumer-Driven Research.

  7. Quotas and Qualitative Research | Focus Group Facility in Syracuse, NY

    The RMS Bunker Blog takes a closer look at qualitative research and often requested quotas in recruiting. In the end, qualitative research is a way to explore topics, not something that should be scientifically broken down into sub-segments.

  8. Thanksgiving Day Fun Facts | Market Research in NY

    The Bunker did some secondary market research and put together some fun statistics about Thanksgiving Day.

  9. Market Research in Syracuse, NY | Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS)

    Here is a quick post on our company Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). We are a local market research company located in Syracuse, NY. The blog post discusses our industries of focus, capabilities, and mission statement.

  10. Gathering Ingredients for an Effective Strategic Plan Recipe

    Guest blogger Brian Jones gives his take on the strategic planning process and how market research can support your needs. Discussing the when, why, what, and how of good strategic planning.

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