Tag Archives: Market Research

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Focus Group Facility in Upstate New York | Using Focus Groups to Conduct Exploratory Research

    Chris examines how focus groups are used for exploratory purposes. He offers 6 reasons how focus group research can answer questions you might have about your business or your customers. Exploratory and qualitative research is a good first step when engaging a market research firm.

  2. Build Customer Loyalty, Value and Retention Through Market Research

    The Bunker discusses customer loyalty and why you should measure it with market research. Satisfied customers are more loyal, they buy more frequently, they are less price sensitive, and they offer good word of mouth. If you choose to do any market research whatsoever, choose to at least measure your customer satisfaction.

  3. 4 Benefits of Mixed Mode Market Research | Syracuse, NY

    The Bunker gives you 4 benefits of mixed mode research: (1) increasing response rates; (2) gaining more reach; (3) slashing the budget; and (4) speeding up the fieldwork.

  4. 5 Scary Situations That Give Market Researchers Nightmares

    The RMS Bunker Blog celebrates Halloween with some scary market research nightmares that keep us up at night. Read this post for 5 situations sure to make you tremble.

  5. Market Research in Syracuse, NY | Patient Satisfaction – Case Study 3

    Case Study 3: The Bunker discusses how patient satisfaction surveys impact our healthcare clients.

  6. 5 Things to Look for in a Market Research Report

    The RMS Bunker gives you 5 things to think about when writing your next market research report.

  7. Baby Carrots, Branding & Market Research | Syracuse, NY

    At the local Wegmans, here in Syracuse, shoppers may have noticed a new style of packaging for baby carrots. The carrots appear in packaging that resembles a potato chip bag, complete with attractive images and colors. Syracuse and Cincinnati were picked as test markets to roll out a re-branding campaign for baby-carrots launched by the carrot industry.

  8. Helicopter Parents and Their Impact on Market Research for Colleges

    The Bunker covers the topic of Helicopter parents and their impact on market research in colleges and universities.

  9. Benefits and Concerns of Panels | Market Research Agency in Syracuse, NY

    Thinking about using a research panel in Syracuse NY, Central NY, or Upstate, NY? The Bunker lists out 5 benefits and 5 concerns to think about before you do.

  10. RMS Scale Week 2010 | 6 Simple Tips For Using Rating Scales

    It’s the final day of Scale Week and what better than to give you 6 tips on what else? Scales.

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