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  1. RMS anniversary

    Cheers to 15 years!

    Cinco de Mayo is a significant day for Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). This year, May 5th marks RMS’ 15th year of helping clients better understand their market perception through comprehensive data collection, surveying, assessments, focus groups and interviews. This impressive milestone marks a long journey from a three-person operation providing market research, to Read more

  2. new website seo launch

    We ♥ our new site. We hope you ♥ it too.

    The following post was written by Maggy Stewart, Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator at RMS. February—the month when everyone is celebrating love. It’s the month of chocolates, roses and Valentines. This February, RMS is also thinking love—because we’re head over heels about our brand new website. A website is an extremely powerful marketing tool with the Read more

  3. We’re a full service market research and healthcare consulting firm located in Central New York.   Make your brand more intelligent. Measure the satisfaction of your target audience. Transform your healthcare practice. We’re here to help. Let us be your back office.   How we find the answers to your questions. Image & Awareness Studies Customer, Employee Read more

  4. What To Look for in a CAHPS Vendor

    With patient-centered healthcare on the rise, CAHPS® surveys are more prevalent now than ever before. Being such an essential aspect of your organization’s success, how do you go about deciding which CMS-approved CAHPS vendor to partner with for your surveying? If you’re in the position of participating in any of the CAHPS surveys, here are Read more

  5. K-12 District Perception and Public Opinion Research

    During the fall, we see an uptick in research on district perception and public opinion from our secondary education clients. It’s common for school districts to gauge the community’s perception on proposed curriculum, budget, and instructional changes prior to the public vote the following spring, or prior to implementation. By conducting the research, the district Read more

  6. What Is The Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research?

    The following post was co-written with Zach Shaw, Panel Associate at RMS What is Qualitative Research? Qualitative research is a non-numerical method used to discover and understand consumer behavior, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, and interactions. Qualitative data is often implemented during the exploratory phase of the research, using unstructured or semi structured techniques to facilitate an open Read more

  7. How Market Research Can Help Your School District

    The following post was co-written with Hilary Ranucci, Business Development Coordinator at RMS. Colleges and Universities are no stranger to market research, but we’ve noticed an uptick in K-12 school districts seeking market research services. To make the most informed decisions about your school district, you should have a strong understanding of your community, both Read more

  8. Why Should You Participate in a Research Panel?

    The following post was written by Zach Shaw, Panel Coordinator at RMS. One of the most frequently asked questions we hear at RMS is, “How does signing up for a research panel benefit me?” Many people don’t realize how much surveys, focus groups, and secret shoppers impact the services and products we use in our Read more

  9. K-12 Community Perception Research | Case Study

    This blog post is a summary of a recent project completed by Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). Background: In Spring 2015, Baldwinsville Central School District (BCSD) partnered with Research and Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct a stakeholder community perception study to explore learning concepts and identify the district’s strengths and areas of opportunity. Approach:  RMS Read more

  10. Market Research Can Help Meet DSRIP Goals

    The following blog post was written by Karen Joncas, a Healthcare Transformation Coordinator at RMS. Across the country, health care and community resource providers have joined together to transform our health care delivery systems, reducing the upward cost curve of Medicaid spending while ensuring access to appropriate, quality care. States have been given the opportunity to Read more

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