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Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. The Bunker Ad Critic 2: We’re Not Gonna Take It

    Last year, I wrote a post called the Bunker Ad Critic that took a light-hearted look at some TV commercials that I found a little baffling. The idea was to explore commercials that seemed annoying or even creepy then try to discern the strategy that led to them or, failing that, simply to make fun Read more

  2. How to Get Started with Social Media? | Small Business Research

    As part of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) ongoing strategic initiative to progress our social media marketing efforts, I attended a conference at Driver’s Village on Tuesday, May 22nd.  The half-day conference included speakers from Google, Bing, and – detailing ways to improve your business’s search engine results online.  The conference was well Read more

  3. Consumer Behavior Research Case Study | Linking Thoughts to Actions

    Background: In order to better understand endcap usage by shoppers, a national advertising agency engaged Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) to conduct a series of in-store intercepts and shop-alongs regarding its client’s items in a local grocery store. (What are shop-alongs? Click Here)  The end-client was a Fortune 50 multinational consumer goods company.  The intercepts and Read more

  4. 13 Traits of a Good Data Analyst | Market Research Careers

    As I am reading through the book Now You See It written by Stephen Few, I came across a good chapter, which highlights 13 key traits of a data analyst.  Although much of the book is focused on visual techniques, the author explains how critical it is to understand the story behind the visuals before Read more

  5. 7 Hidden Easter Eggs in Market Research Proposals

    A market research proposal is something that Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS)  deals with on a daily basis.  Market research proposals are either created in response to a specific RFP process or requested directly from a prospective client.  Because many of our clients we work with in the healthcare, higher education, and the financial industries Read more

  6. How does the Erosion of Landline Telephones Impact Market Research?

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President & Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) in Baldwinsville, NY. Surveys are a great way to get feedback from customers and one of the three most common modes of conducting a survey is via the telephone. However, statistics show a continuing trend Read more

  7. Market Research Feasibility Study | Consultant in Upstate NY

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS),  a market research consulting firm located in Upstate NY.  RMS is currently celebrating its 10th year in business. Let’s say you’re developing a new product, service, location or program. Before you delve too deeply, Read more

  8. The Dangers of Defining Your Competition Too Narrowly

    This most recent blog posts discusses the narrow scope that businesses often set for their competition. In reality, your true competition spreads well-beyond product category.

  9. Key Market Research Takeaways from Raving Fans | Part 1

    This is part 1 of a series which discusses key takeaways from Raving Fans and their implications on the market research industry.

  10. Our Top 10 Market Research Trends for 2012 | Part 2

    This blog post is the 2nd part of our 2012 Market Research Trends series. We list off the top 10 trends that will impact our market research firm for 2012 and beyond.

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