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Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Is Price a Competitive Advantage? | Marketing Research

    We recently read an in-depth article posted in the December 2010 issue of Quirk’s.  The author is Mark Goodin, President of Aaron-Abrams Field Support Services in Las Vegas.  Goodin makes an impassioned plea to those who recruit respondents for qualitative research to improve the quality of their service by not taking shortcuts, offering excuses instead of Read more

  2. 7 Questions to Consider Regarding Survey Response Rates

    At RMS, we are frequently asked by our clients what kind of response rate they can expect from their survey research, or after the fact, if the survey response they did receive was “good.” Usually, the most honest answer we can give to those questions is “It depends.” The truth is that survey response rates are Read more

  3. 7 Common Pitfalls When Managing a Survey | Marketing in Syracuse, NY

    As a marketing research and marketing consultant in Syracuse, NY – Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) speaks with a lot of clients about their needs.  Sometimes clients come to us knowing they need to do some type of marketing research, but don’t know where to start.  Other times clients come to us having already started Read more

  4. Getting the Most out of your Market Research | 6 New Year's Resolutions

    Market Research can be quite a valuable tool for a business.  It helps a business make decisions based on actuality rather than hunches.  When going through the process of conducting research, it is important to get the most value out of it as possible.  We came up with a few tips (resolutions!) to help you get Read more

  5. Making Decisions About Market Research | New York State

    From our guest blogger Kim Cuccaro, former Business Development Specialist at RMS. Everyone is familiar with the Nike® slogan “Just Do It”.  A lot can also be said for making a decision and going through with it.  Oftentimes businesses fail to find common ground between slapdash decision-making and a lengthier drawn out decision-making process. I commonly see Read more

  6. Quotas and Qualitative Research | Focus Group Facility in Syracuse, NY

    The RMS Bunker Blog takes a closer look at qualitative research and often requested quotas in recruiting. In the end, qualitative research is a way to explore topics, not something that should be scientifically broken down into sub-segments.

  7. Why Every Physician Practice Should Conduct Patient Satisfaction Surveying | New York Survey Vendor

    This post was written by our Guest Blogger Megan O’Donnell who is our Healthcare Division Manager here at RMS. Customer satisfaction has been a key measure for companies in every industry for decades.  Only in the past several years has the need to consider, much less measure, customer satisfaction become important in the world of healthcare. It had Read more

  8. Gathering Ingredients for an Effective Strategic Plan Recipe

    Guest blogger Brian Jones gives his take on the strategic planning process and how market research can support your needs. Discussing the when, why, what, and how of good strategic planning.

  9. Interpreting Importance | Max Difference (MaxDiff) Analysis in Market Research

    The Bunker Blog takes some time to discuss survey design set up specifically related to traditional scaling versus MaxDiff analysis.

  10. 6 Survey Coding Tips | Survey Research in Central NY

    Open-end responses are a great tool to include within surveys. They can be a source for both qualitative and quantitative data. Survey coding is a very delicate process. This article discusses a few tips for survey coding to ensure quality data.

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