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Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Focus Group Facility and Market Research Firm in Syracuse NY

    Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) offers a focus group facility and is also a full-service market research firm in Syracuse NY. The focus group facility named QualiSight is located on-site is  and is currently the only focus group facility available for qualitative research rentals in the Central New York area. For more information on how to Read more

  2. What is Scrum? | How Market Research Can Help

    When I say the word scrum, you probably immediately think of a two piles of rugby players huddled together on a field. Although we’ve covered sports topics before on the RMS Bunker Blog, this post will not be one of those. Scrum is a term picking up steam across the world in all types of Read more

  3. Brand Development Research | Case Study

    Background: A national design and build firm recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies Inc. (RMS) to better understand brand features and benefits of its organization by interviewing current and past clients, as well as understand needs and wants from non-clients. The brand development research was broken down into a three component process that served as Read more

  4. 2013 Market Research Trend: Growing Demand

    In examining the significant trends in market research this year and going forward, perhaps the biggest trend is also the easiest to overlook: For the foreseeable future, the need for market research will grow and there will be more market researchers. A recent study from CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists International has projected “market research analysts and Read more

  5. Consumer Feedback Drives Purchases | NY Research Panel

    This article was featured in the latest edition of the Baldwinsville Messenger Our Town edition. It was written by our Communications Coordinator Lori Lichorobiec of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). As the holiday shopping season approaches, momentum is high as eager shoppers gear up to take advantage of the holiday sales and be the first in Read more

  6. 4 Tips to Shorten the Length of Telephone Surveys

    We’ve referenced it before on this blog, people are “time poor” and keeping a survey short is more critical than ever in our industry. If a survey goes too long (with that threshold being debatable: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes), the respondent will either become disengaged or simply hang up. We are not big Read more

  7. Healthcare Trend: Patients Are Shopping Like Consumers

    The Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) healthcare team recently came across an article posted in the most current edition of Quirk’s Marketing Research Review. The article summarizes a survey conducted by HealthPocket, which discusses how one-third of patients may switch doctors if the price was right. Here is the article text taken from the Quirk’s website: Read more

  8. How to Choose a Market Research Firm? | Use Our Scorecard

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Paul Dybas, former Business Development Associate at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS), a global market research firm located in Syracuse, NY. There are many market research firms to choose from that can help you with your project. At the initial Google search, the process of choosing one Read more

  9. Three Barriers to Using Market Research | Market Research Consultant NY

    Market research is often something that is on many business’s “want to do” list rather than their “must do” list. In most cases, large corporations understand the need for market research and use both in-house resources and third-party consultants, whereas small and mid-size businesses often grapple with using market research due to lack of resources Read more

  10. Is Traditional Market Research Dying? | Our Take

    One of our clients recently came across a blog post written by Sensei Marketing titled “Is the Consumer Survey Dead?” In it, the author, Sam Fiorella, discusses how more insight can be garnered from observing social interactions of consumers with each other rather than speaking to a third-party through traditional market research. Here is a Read more

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