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  1. 5 Key Components of a Market Research Feasibility Study

    One of the most preferred types of projects that comes our way at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research feasibility study. The request from our client usually pertains to needing research around a new program they want to offer at their institution, a new type of business they want to start in Read more

  2. Client Satisfaction Survey Results | RMS Analytics

    In 2012, Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) retooled its client satisfaction survey to garner more actionable feedback from our clients.  At the end of each research project, a client satisfaction survey is mailed out with the final report and project CD.  The results are invaluable to our teams, and if no response is received, our Read more

  3. 13 Traits of a Good Data Analyst | Market Research Careers

    As I am reading through the book Now You See It written by Stephen Few, I came across a good chapter, which highlights 13 key traits of a data analyst.  Although much of the book is focused on visual techniques, the author explains how critical it is to understand the story behind the visuals before Read more

  4. Customer Needs Assessment | Market Research Company Upstate NY

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger Mark Dengler, President and Owner of Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS), a market research company in Upstate NY. In order to successfully serve customers, businesses must have an acute understanding of customers’ needs. Using market research and conducting a Customer Needs Assessment shows customers you are Read more

  5. Is E-mail Becoming Obsolete?

    It wasn’t all that long ago at all – maybe 10 or 12 years – that you couldn’t assume with any certainty that a person had access to e-mail.  The medium was still fairly new and not everyone had adopted it yet. With that in mind, it is a testament to how fast technology moves that we can now Read more

  6. The Benefits of Developing a Customer Panel | Market Research

    Research panels are becoming increasingly important for data collection in market research. Access to research participants is becoming more limited and segmented (mainly due to the phasing out of the landline telephone due to younger generations, and their wide Internet adoption). Research panels help provide a way around these issues, while also serving many other Read more

  7. Banking and Credit Union Market Research | Case Study

    This blog post is a case study which details market research for banks and credit unions. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Upstate NY which partners with financial institutions in the financial sector.

  8. Optimizing Patient Operations with Commitment to Quality in the Patient Centered Medical Home

    This blog post was written by our guest blogger, Susan Maxsween, Healthcare Transformation Manager, here at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS). Improved patient care and coordination of care has captured the attention of the healthcare delivery system nationwide.  With the inception of the concept of Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH), much attention has been directed to Read more

  9. Is Survey Gamification a Lasting Trend or a Fad?

    Gamification seems to be a hot new buzzword right now. It involves applying game design principles to non-game applications with the intent of making them more fun and attractive to users. Examples of gamification include the use of badges in Foursquare and the points systems of some customer loyalty programs. It is a very trendy Read more

  10. Question Order Bias in Customer Satisfaction Surveys | Syracuse, NY

    Most people know that the wording of a question on a survey can have an impact on the way respondents answer it. A less obvious, but potentially significant source of bias is the point in the survey instrument at which a question is asked. A good example of this issue is the problem of when Read more

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